All the Best News, Advice and Tips for Freelancers

The Fearless Blog is a great place to get all the news, advice and tips you need to start and grow your freelance business.

We're here to help you find new clients, negotiate fair contracts and stay on top of the latest industry trends. From how to make money as a freelancer to how to get started as a freelancer, we have it all!

We have a ton of resources for people looking to break into the freelance world, but if you're already established and just want to find new clients, check out our Marketplace section for listings of jobs from businesses around the world looking for freelancers like you.

You can also find stories about successful freelancers here on The Fearless Business blog. We feature interviews with successful freelancers as well as guest posts from them so you can learn from their experience.

Latest posts

Best Digital Nomad Destinations

Discover the best digital nomad destinations in Europe, offering vibrant communities, reliable internet, affordable living, and rich cultural experiences.

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Key Practices for Scaling Freelance Business Models

Discover key practices for scaling your freelance business, including using scalable tools, expanding services, building strong teams, and more.

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Creating a Financial Checklist for Freelancers: Plan Ahead and Stay Secure

Ensure financial stability as a freelancer with a robust checklist: emergency funds, meticulous expense tracking, tax planning, diversified income, & more.

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How to Leverage Certifications to Boost Your Freelance Business

Boost your freelance business by leveraging certifications. Discover how these credentials can enhance credibility, command higher rates, and more.

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How Freelancers Can Enhance Their Networking with Digital Business Cards

Enhance your freelance networking with digital business cards. Learn how these eco-friendly, dynamic cards improve visibility, security, and engagement.

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3 Recession-Proof Side Hustles You Can Start Today to Bring in Extra Cash

Discover recession-proof side hustle opportunities like virtual assisting, grocery delivery, and freelance creativity, offering flexibility, and more.

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Digital Nomad Entrepreneur: 6 Hacks For Successful Work-Life Balance

Discover 6 essential hacks for digital nomad entrepreneurs to achieve a successful work-life balance. From setting boundaries to fostering connections.

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6 Different and Unique Businesses to Start as a Freelancer

Discover six unique freelance business opportunities, from medical coding to Etsy shops and niche blogging. Explore your path to entrepreneurship!

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How to Become a Freelance Fundraiser for Charities

Discover how to become a successful freelance fundraiser for charities and make a meaningful impact from home.

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Top Tips for Self-employed Workers in European Countries

Explore essential tips for self-employed workers in European countries, with a focus on freelancing in Spain and growing your business in the EU.

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The Gig Economy and Small Business Opportunities

Explore the opportunities that the gig economy presents for small businesses. From flexibility and cost-effectiveness to scalability and more.

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How to Set Boundaries with Clients: 6 Simple Strategies

Discover six simple strategies for setting boundaries with clients to protect your business and ensure a positive working relationship.

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Freelance vs. Independent Contractor: What All Business Owners Should Know

Explore the differences between freelancers & independent contractors, pros/cons, legal distinctions, and factors to consider for your business.

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Freelance: The Best Places in Britain to Be Your Own Boss

Freelance is everywhere. So wherever you live in Britain, there's sure to be a freelance community for you.

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A Small Business Guide to Going Freelance

If you're ready to take the plunge and become a freelancer, it can be scary but also incredibly rewarding providing you get your pricing and model right

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How to Transition From Freelancer to Small Business

Freelancing has been a great way to make money, but recently it has been getting harder to succeed. Businesses often want to hire freelancers full-time ins

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Top 6 Tips for Single Parents Running a Small Business

Running a business alone is tough, but there are single parents who have done it in the past. You can do it too! Here are some tips to grow successfully

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How to Reduce Your Workload as an Entrepreneur

If you’re an overworked entrepreneur, it’s important to find solutions to remove unneeded tasks from your to-do list and reduce your workload.

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The Challenges of Freelancing: What to Expect

The Business of freelancing exciting. In this article, we explore the common challenges freelancers face and provide tips on how to overcome them.

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How to Run an Online Business from an RV: 7 Tips for Living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

The digital nomad movement has evolved out of this demand for a different way of life, one which balances travel with earning an income.

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Top 8 Ways Business Coaching Can Help Freelancers

Do you want to take your freelance business from good to great? Here are the top eight ways business coaching can help freelancers to build their dream!

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3 Risks Of Running Your Business From Home

There's nothing wrong with running a business from home. Many people do it, often to reduce overheads, there is no need to spend money on renting offices.

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A Comprehensive Guide To Hiring Freelancers And Managing Remote Teams

Whether you're looking to expand your team, have a big project with a tight deadline, or simply need more coverage, freelancers are the best option.

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Business Coaching For Introverts, It Can Be Done

Introverts acquire their liveliness and drive from inner feelings and thoughts in its place of from other individuals, outside doing and business coaching.

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Freelancer to Agency Owner - Chelsea Baldwin

Ever wondered how to transition from freelancer to agency owner? How do you take that step from being a one-man-band to an agency?

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Important Milestones When Running Your Own Business

Your first business may be a success, or it may fall flat. It is important to reach important milestones on your journey as a business owner.

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The Things You Really Need to Outsource in Your Business

Choosing to outsource can help you save money, as it can reduce overhead costs significantly. You can hire experts to take on tasks within your business.

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Best Countries for Freelancers

In this article, we’ll give you some suggestions for countries to consider if you’re relocating your business or just visiting as a freelancer.

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Killer Steps To Help You Successfully Launch A Home Based Business

A growing number of people are quitting their jobs to start businesses at home as a result of the rise in inflation, as well as less job security.

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Reasons To Hire a Professional Videographer

Video is king when it comes to content. But while it may be like photography, where everyone dabbles a bit in it, not everyone can actually do it well.

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3 Tips To Maintain Your Health As A Freelance Writer

Like every other job, a freelance writer’s nature can cause health concerns. Therefore, you must invest in your health to earn more from your career.

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Turning Passion into Profit: How to Monetise Your Blog

Becoming a business coach is one way you can achieve that. However, it does take time to build up your reputation as a business coach.

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How Remote Working Will Benefit Self-employed Estate Agents and Inspectors

The coronavirus pandemic has caused huge swathes of the UK economy to close repeatedly over the past year. Property freelancers can work remotely.

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Beat the Blank Screen! Making the Most of Freelance Downtime

​Staring at a blank screen? If you have been self-employed, made a success of it, but have now found yourself in a fallow period, you may panic.

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Essentials That the Self-Employed Need to Take Care Of

ake sure you do what you can to consider the different ways you can improve the situation as a self-employed freelancer in business.

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3 Ways to Stay Productive When Working From Home

People are finding themselves working from home. In this guide, we are going to cover three simple strategies for maintaining productive output

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5 Tools That Enhance Freelance Work - Must-Haves in 2020

Freelancing or working from home means freedom and the ability to decide how you want to work, when you want to work, and where to work from.

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What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur in 2020 (+ Statistics)

People tend to prefer creating a career around their passions, as well as the freedom associated with being an entrepreneur in business.

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An Entrepreneur’s Learning Curve: 6 Lessons and Skills You Need

Transforming your idea into a physical, fully-operational business can be an inspiring step. However, it does not come without a steep learning curve.

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How to Stay Productive When Working from Home

​Working from home has become the new normal for many, there are plenty of perks to a more flexible working day, there are also downsides to consider.

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