12 Minute Convos Podcast - Engel Jones

12 Minute Convos Podcast - Engel Jones

A short sharp interview between Robin Waite and Engel Jones on the 12 Minute Convos podcast talking about why Robin Started his Business, Sales & Marketing

If you are here it is because you heard Engel Jones and me talking on the 12 Minute Convos podcast. I hope you had as much fun listening to us as I did talking to Engel. He is a wonderful host who is passionate about introducing you to the people and ideas that can improve your life.

Robin Waite is a husband and father to two young girls, with a passion to help business owners set fearless goals and achieve great success. Robin is a business coach, regular speaker at various business events and bestselling author of two books, including the recent popular release Take Your Shot.

He puts his 2 decades of business experience to work, coaching clients to reach their goals. Which includes helping clients get married and buy their first homes! Behind the scenes Robin is a surfer and Sunday warrior (road cyclist). He hates going up the hills but is well known at his local cycling club for his descending at speeds in excess of 50mph down said hills. A keen DIY enthusiast, Robin renovated his first home from scratch – it took 4 years – and since moving has now built his own Home Office/Studio, fully insulated for all weathers.

Robin holds a Guinness World Record for participating in the largest ever speed networking event, has raised over £5k for a local Children’s charity in the last 3 years and has a goal to help remove 100kg of plastic from the World’s Oceans within the next 12 months via another charity he supports – 4Ocean.

You can listen to the full interview here:

I'm passionate about helping you become more successful.

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  • Did you just want to learn more about that voice you heard?

Whatever the reason, I'm glad you are here.

You can find the resources I mentioned on the interview here. Make sure to look around the site to learn more and/or get signed up to my Facebook Group to join in the conversation.

And don't forget to support Engel via his Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/12minconvos

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