Cyber Security Tips, News and Advice for Small Businesses

Cyber security is one of the most important topics for small businesses. With the increasing number of cyberattacks and data breaches, small business owners must take steps to protect their companies.

Cybersecurity is a broad term that encompasses many different areas. It's important for every business to have a cybersecurity plan in place, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some tips and resources for small businesses looking to improve their cybersecurity practices.

Be aware of your vulnerabilities. The first step in creating a cybersecurity plan is knowing where your company is most vulnerable to attacks. You can perform an audit yourself, or hire a third-party security firm to do it for you.

Create a culture of security awareness among employees. Small businesses should encourage employees to report any questionable activity they see as soon as possible — before it becomes a real threat. Encourage employees who encounter suspicious emails or phone calls not to engage with them (or even delete them) and instead contact IT or another member of management immediately for assistance.

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