10 Invoicing Options That Help Freelancers Get Paid

Last Updated: 

March 2, 2023

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

For freelancers across all industries, the multitude of decisions that need to be made regarding their venture can be a bit overwhelming. Whether you freelance as a side hustle or have made this your full-time job, the amount of choices you’re faced with as both the owner and sole employee of your venture can seem close to impossible.

Some of these decisions are more fun: what will your website look like? What networking events will you attend? What services will you offer? What courses will you invest in to better your skills? Will you rent an office space, or establish a home office?

Some of the decisions are decidedly less fun, not to mention more difficult—including the decision of what invoicing software to use. Whether you’re coming from a regular 9 to 5 or are breaking out of the retail industry, chances are you’ve never had to deal with payments before. This time, there’s no payroll department to reliably deposit those finds into your account; you’re wholly in charge of ensuring your clients pay and you get paid.

Though you may not have an accounting department, you have options when it comes to making this choice. There are hundreds of invoicing solutions out there, formulated and used to make the payment process easier for even the most novice of freelancers.

These software options come with their own set of decisions, though. Now you have to choose from all the options out there for what’s best for you and your business—do you need software that just helps you with invoicing, or has consumer relationship management capabilities? Do you want the freedom to design your own contracts, or want templates you can simply adjust based on the client?

Luckily, even these decisions can be simplified for you. The team at Intuit Mint has put together a list of the 10 best invoicing software options to ensure freelancers like you get paid quickly and on time; which is, after all, the end goal of any freelance venture. With the help of their handy infographic that lists the price and most notable features of each, the only choice you’ll need to make is which one to go with!

Thanks to https://www.mint.com/ for this graphic.

Invoicing for Freelancers

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