4 Best Ways To Future-Proof Your Small Business

Last Updated: 

November 21, 2022

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Future-proofing your small business may seem almost inconceivable. This is mainly because it is almost impossible to predict the future. But if the pandemic outbreak taught businesses anything, it is to safeguard their investments in case of an emergency. Small businesses must be more proactive because they may not have enough resources. Below are four things you can do immediately to future-proof your small business

1. Identify and manage risks

Identify and Manage Risks
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Identifying potential failure points and risk areas of your business is important. These risks may exist in several areas, including business processes, people, data security, and legal compliance. If your business relies on an individual or a small group to keep business going, you may run into trouble when these people are unavailable. Similarly, you must identify and address any weaknesses in your business process before they become major problems. You are the best person to assess risks in your firm and implement mitigation strategies.

2. Listen to your customers

Offering excellent customer experience is crucial regardless of the type or size of your business. Your customers know what they want from you, so you must ask. Engaging in focus groups, polls, and other research is worthwhile to ascertain their genuine wants and needs. Listening to your customers can enable you to objectively assess your business from the client's perspective. You can take it a step further by studying trends and changing client opinions and preferences to predict what they might desire in the future. Then you can address their pain points and how they may change. 

3. Harness technology 

The last few years have shown that every business can be technological. There is a good chance you have increased your business tech capabilities in the last few years. So how can you use what you already have and simultaneously invest in new tech to future-proof your business? Consider how digital transformation in public sector has become a game changer for many governments and businesses. Consider modern technology's transformational and disruptive potential with the likes of Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). While all these have enormous potential for organisations to adopt, their true influence has yet to be realised and will do so only over the next 10 to twenty years.

4. Follow trends in developed countries

Harness Technology - Google Alerts
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This can be one of the simplest ways to future-proof your business. You can follow industry blogs and websites to monitor what is happening in other developed nations. And you can set up a Google Alert for the topics that interest you. For instance, if you are in the agricultural business, you can keep an eye on advancing agric technologies in other countries. In the same way, you can expect emerging technologies to reach your local industry after growing popular in outside countries. This is a great way to stay ahead of your competition and future-proof your business. 

Things change quickly in today's economic environment, and even a successful company cannot ensure its existence if it is not well-prepared for the future. You can future-proof your small business by using the ideas outlined above.

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