5 Profitable Business Ideas You Should Consider Starting

Last Updated: 

July 11, 2024

If you are planning to start a business in 2022, it’s essential to take the ‘new normal’ into consideration.

The Covid pandemic has transformed businesses and how we consume our products or services today.

Whereas opening a retail business or eatery may have been a solid idea before, you might want to revise those options until you see how the following year’s course will be. In place of more conventional businesses, you should think about starting one that is able to support how people lead their lives nowadays.

You'll still need to come up with a strong business plan in spite of everything, however, most of the business ideas that we provide you below just require a credit card processing partner to receive payment for you to get going.

So, if you have been wondering what business to start, then this list is right for you. This list of ‘modern’ business ideas consists of five excellent business’ types to help you achieve success in 2022 and further.

Key Takeaways: Profitable Business Ideas

  1. Dropshipping Business: Start an online store without handling physical products by partnering with suppliers who manage inventory and shipping, ideal for selling trending products like coffee.
  2. Translation Service: Monetise your multilingual skills by offering translation services on platforms like Upwork, gradually building a client base and potentially expanding with more linguists.
  3. Cleaning Service: Launch a cleaning business with minimal operating costs, offering premium options like floor waxing to differentiate from competitors.
  4. Pet Sitting: Provide pet care services while managing other income sources, catering to the needs of pet owners during their absences.
  5. Professional Organising: Help clients declutter and organise their spaces, capitalising on the growing popularity of minimalism.
Online Business Startup

Dropshipping Business

Are you thinking of selling products online but you don’t have enough money to buy and stock inventory? Then, you should consider dropshipping. Dropshipping is basically an eCommerce business model in which owners don’t have to handle any physical goods.

All you need to do is build an online store, and associate with suppliers that are ready to stock, pack, and ship goods to your customers. On top of that, you won’t need to spend time on product searching because you can utilise a dropshipping app to find great products to sell immediately.

For example, a pretty good idea is to start a coffee dropshipping business because there’s a stable trend for coffee as one of the best products to consider selling in 2022. Regardless of the season, there are always gonna be coffee enthusiasts who are looking to buy their favorite brands.

Coffee Drop-Shipping Business

Translation Service

Polyglot people are constantly in demand, so if you’re able to speak two or more languages, think of starting a small business where you can monetise your language abilities. You may start searching for clients on websites such as Upwork, and gradually construct your portfolio.

If you have only a few hours a day to spend on your side business, then translation is one of the best ideas to follow. Once you work effectively with more and more clients, you will be able to hire more linguists who translate in other languages to work for you.

In addition, it’s a good idea to market your translation business on social media platforms to successfully and rapidly reach a broader audience.

Cleaning Service

If you like cleaning, you may effortlessly turn that into a stable business. With just a few staff members, a bunch of cleaning products, and transportation, you can provide cleaning services to householders, apartment buildings, or commercial properties.

The majority of the cleaning services charge $30 to $50 per hour. Cleaning services are simple businesses that require moderately little operating expenses. You just need strong planning, commitment, and marketing to get clients.

You can also distinguish yourself from other cleaning services if you offer premium options such as floor waxing or furniture polish for an additional charge. These optional services might be the deciding factor between you and the rest of the experienced companies that hold an extremely large client list to offer that level of cleanness.

Pet Sitting

Almost two-thirds of American families own a pet. When these people go away for longer periods, your pet daycare business can provide them peace. As an animal caretaker, you'll look after your clients' pets, making sure to give them food and water, play with them,accompany them, and walk them if needed.

Furthermore, you will have to update your clients on how their pets are doing. So, if you have other income sources that require only a laptop and internet, pet sitting can be a particularly smart business idea. Most pet parents will be happy to let you work on your laptop while you hang out with their pets, indicating that you will have two income sources at once.

Professional Organising

Looking for a business idea that really brings joy? Professional organisers help individuals declutter for a living. In this age of materialism, many individuals are eager to minimise and gain control of their possessions.

Minimalism is becoming increasingly popular, however, people usually find it difficult to part with things they've possessed for a long period. Part of being a professional organiser is helping people establish a method for downsising.

If you're an extremely organised person that enjoys making places functional, minimal, and cosy, you could be good at training others to do exactly the same. People will pay you to assist them to formulate a method of reducing their possessions and maintaining an organised living space.

Final Words

There are a whole lot of more profitable business ideas to consider starting. So, conduct your market research properly, estimate your free time and ensure you will enjoy what you do. We wish you good luck!

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