8 Warning Signs of Email Deliverability Problems Ahead

Last Updated: 

August 17, 2023

Is your email game on point? Or, 

Do your emails get lost in the spam folder maze?

Ding, dong! It’s time to check your email deliverability health!

Welcome to the frustrating world of email deliverability problems. These invisible obstacles can be the bane of an email marketer’s existence. They can leave you with a wrecking performance and wondering what went wrong.

But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the eight warning signs of email deliverability problems ahead. By recognising these signs, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and strategies to enhance email deliverability. It ensures your emails reach the inbox and drive meaningful engagement.

No more surprises, no more disappointments. Let’s dive in and conquer the email deliverability challenge!

Key Takeaways on Email Deliverability

  1. Declining Open Rates: Decreased open rates may indicate emails ending up in spam folders or being blocked by ISPs. Personalise subject lines and content, and monitor open rates over time.
  2. Low Click-Through Rates: Low CTRs could suggest subscribers aren't receiving or engaging with emails. Analyse engagement metrics, optimise content, and use clear calls to action.
  3. Spike in Unsubscribers and Spam Complaints: An increase in unsubscribers or spam complaints signals deliverability issues. Review your list, create relevant content, and avoid spam triggers.
  4. Emails Landing in Spam Folders: Consistently landing in spam folders signifies problems. Use spam testing tools, maintain a clean list, and authenticate your domain for better sender reputation.
  5. High Bounce Rates: High bounce rates indicate list hygiene problems, impacting sender reputation. Regularly clean your list, implement double opt-in, and manage soft bounces.
  6. Decreased Engagement Across Segments: Tailor re-engagement strategies for disengaged segments, offering relevant content and incentives to boost interaction.
  7. Blacklisting and Sender Reputation Issues: Being blacklisted harms reputation. Monitor sender reputation, check for blacklisting, and address issues promptly.
  8. Inconsistent Email Rendering: Inconsistent rendering affects readability. Employ responsive design, quality content, images, and test emails on various devices and clients.
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Understanding Email Deliverability

Improved email deliverability is the backbone of any successful business. Email deliverability refers to reaching the intended recipient’s inboxes without being flagged as spam or bouncing back. It’s all about ensuring your emails get to your audience. Here are a few signs showing the issues with email deliverability: 

Declining Open Rates

The first primary sign showing email deliverability issues is the declining open rate. If your emails end up in spam folders or are blocked by ISPs, recipes won’t even have the chance to open them. This will ultimately lead to a drop in open rates. Here are some tips you can do to improve your open rates:

  • Make sure your subject lines are clear and concise.
  • Personalise your emails as much as possible.
  • Use high-quality content.
  • A/B test your emails.
  • Regularly monitor open rates over time to spot trends and potential issues.

Low Click-Through Rates

CTRs measure the percentage of emails opened and clicked on a link. If your CTRs are low, it could be a sign that your subscribers are not seeing your emails or are not interested in what you say.

To improve CTRs and identify deliverability problems:

  • Study the engagement metrics.
  • Look at a specific link’s click-through rates to identify which content resonates with your audience.
  • Compare CTRs across different email list segments to spot potential deliverability challenges.

Also, improving CTRs involves optimising your email content and design. Personalise your messages, use clear and compelling calls to action, and ensure your emails are mobile-friendly.

Spike in Unsubscribers and Spam Complaints 

A spike in unsubscribers or spam complaints also signals email deliverability issues. It’s vital to take action to address the problems. Here are some things you can do:

  • Review your email list and make sure it is clean and up-to-date.
  • Review your email content and ensure it is relevant and interesting to the subscribers. Give them what they want, not what you like.
  • Do not use spammy subject lines, content, or attachments.
  • Monitor your feedback regularly. 

Emails Landing in Spam Folders

When your emails consistently land in recipients’ spam folders, it's a clear sign of deliverability issues. Various factors contribute to this. These include using spam trigger words, sending emails to unengaged subscribers, or having a poor sender reputation. 

You can use spam testing tools to check how your emails fare against various spam filters. These tools stimulate how different email clients and ISPs might evaluate your messages and provide you with valuable feedback on potential improvements.

Try to maintain a healthy email list by regularly removing inactive or disengaged subscribers. Furthermore, authenticate your domain with DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework). This will help establish trust with ISPs and improve your sender's reputation.

High Bounce Rates

High bounce rates can signal poor list hygiene and engagement, leading to potential deliverability issues. ISPs use bounce rates as a key factor in determining sender reputation. A negative reputation can result in your emails being sent to spam folders or blocked altogether. 

Hence, it is crucial to regularly clean and maintain your email list to reduce bounce rates. You can implement a double opt-in process to ensure valid email addresses and remove hard bouncing addresses promptly. For soft bounces, implement automatic retries a few times, and if they persist, consider removing those addresses from your list. 

Decreased Email Engagement Across Segments

Different segments may have varying engagement patterns due to factors like content relevance, frequency of emails, or personalisation. 

You can implement targeted re-engagement strategies to win back the interest of disengaged segments. Create tailored content based on their preferences and past interactions. Encourage them to update their preferences and offer incentives to re-engage with your emails. 

Blacklisting and Sender Reputation Issues

Being blacklisted is a severe consequence of poor email deliverability. It occurs when ISPs or email providers identify your send IP or domain as a source of spam or malicious content.

You must monitor the sender's reputation using reputable email deliverability monitoring tools. These tools provide insights into how ISPs and email filters perceive your sending practices and reputation. Hence, regularly check your sender IP’s status on the public blacklist to promptly address any blacklisting issues.

Inconsistent Email Rendering Across Devices and Clients

Inconsistent email rendering can make it difficult for subscribers to read your emails. There are a number of things you can do to improve email rendering:

  • Use responsive design
  • Use clear and concise text
  • Use high-quality images
  • Test your emails on different devices and clients

Wrapping Up

By following the tips in this article, you can ensure good email deliverability and reach your subscribers smoothly. Stay vigilant, adapt to changes, and continuously refine your email marketing strategy to improve email deliverability challenges. 

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