Don't Let Your Audience Forget About Your Brand

Last Updated: 

October 3, 2022

Online Business Startup

If you want to own a successful business, one thing you really want to focus on is creating an unforgettable brand. You want to provide a sensational product and service, and you want your brand to make an impression that the consumer will not forget in a hurry.

Just take a look at some of the biggest brands out there and assess how they came to be: Apple, Nike, Coca Cola, and more. Below we’re going to give you some inspiration so that you can ensure your audience don't get a chance to forget about you. Enjoy!

Determine Who The Target Audience Is For Your Brand

Your main focus before you even build your brand should be your audience. You need to know exactly who your target audience is before you choose your brand personality, logo, colors - everything! You can’t be everything to everyone, and you can't try to please everyone either.

When you know who your audience is, you can tailor your brand and your mission to their exact needs. The key is to be really specific, and create consumer profiles using the detailed behaviors and lifestyle of your consumers. For example, do you wish to target:

  • Single moms who work from home?
  • College students studying abroad?
  • Young professionals?

When you’ve got a solid, clear picture of your consumers, it’s time to learn how you can create a brand identity that they will relate to. Narrow your audience focus and your business will be far more successful, as you’ll ensure your brand message couldn’t be clearer.

Create A Quirky Brand Personality

Some of the best brands out there have an amazing personality - almost as if they are a person too. This personality allows you to relate better to your audience and be more consistent across various marketing and communication channels. Hubspot says that, ‘your brand identity is the representation of your company’s reputation through the conveyance of attributes, values, purpose, strengths, and passions.’

You’ll greatly increase your brand awareness if you take the time to create and maintain a unique brand identity. You don’t have to be totally crazy for this to work! Just think outside of the box a little bit.

Find Ways To Earn Those Word Of Mouth Referrals

One of the most powerful marketing techniques that a brand can use is word of mouth referrals, but you have to earn them, as it’s a little dishonest to buy them (not to mention nigh on impossible). Referrals can give you a serious brand boost. Here are some stats to back this up:

  • 83% of people trusted referrals from people they knew
  • Word of Mouth marketing has been shown to improve marketing effectiveness by up to 92%
  • 56% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from friends and family

So, how can you earn word of mouth referrals? Offer a fantastic service, and focus on the little touches. A handwritten note and a free sample go a long way. You could even use promotional products to get those extra brownie points with your customers. Better yet, ask for referrals! Send an email asking for a follow up/review of your product, giving enough time for the consumer a chance to have checked it out. You can also make it easy to share on social media. Simply trust that by providing an awesome product/service, your consumers will recommend you. If you're also wanting to learn other ways to increase sales/income through various marketing techniques and conversion strategies, then it might be a wise idea to sign up with a company such as Whitehat, then sign in to your Whitehat account and look over what marketing services they could offer your business!

Be A Social Business

Staying connected is a must if you want your brand to get strong and stay strong. To raise awareness of your brand, you’ve got to be social. Post on social media about things in your industry, and goings on in the world. Stay relevant. Ask people to get involved in a discussion. Making it known what you stand for is key, but don’t write anything truly offensive as you could alienate a lot of people. Interact and engage with your audience by asking questions, commenting on posts, or retweeting or sharing content you like. Being social is so much more powerful than simply trying to plug your products.

Create Awesome Free Content

Creating content is super easy these days, and you can use it to answer your audience’s questions. Maybe they have concerns, questions about your service/industry, or maybe you simply want to help them out with some interesting information. If you’re a company that sells furniture and accessories, perhaps you could write content on decorating a room, making sure your audience choose the right pieces, tell them how to measure their curtains, and even take on their own DIY projects. The options are endless, and the more helpful you are, the more your audience will come back for more. They’ll likely share your content if they like it, too.

Create Awesome Free Content
Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

Creating videos seems to be the way to create content these days, as YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. A video also allows you to get the information across in a more interesting, visual way. It’s often faster, and you have the opportunity to show off your personality, too. Not forgetting it’s the easiest way to show personality and share opinions and positioning on issues. This will humanize your brand and make it more relatable.

If you’re not creating content, your brand is missing out on huge opportunities to connect with its audience.

Consistency is Absolutely Key

When you want to make sure your brand is memorable, you have to be consistent. It’s important to realize that every single thing you do is a representation of your brand, whether you’re creating a logo, conversing with a customer on social media, or something else. Your values, ideals, and direction should all be present in your marketing efforts. You will hinder your brand integrity if there is inconsistency here.

The last thing you want is for your audience to forget about your brand. Use the pointers here and you will make your brand super memorable. People will not only remember your brand, they will relate to it, and develop an emotional connection to it. This will make you more successful in the long run!

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

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