Double Your Revenue in 90 Days - Simon Severino

Last Updated: 

October 30, 2022

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My guest today is Simon Severino, the CEO of Strategy Sprints, Europe’s leading remote Growth Advisory. His global team of Certified Strategy Sprint coaches do only one thing: Double the revenue of service-based businesses in 90 days. Simon also teaches Growth Strategy in select business schools. And hosts the Strategy Show podcast.

What we will be discussing today

  • Double your revenue in 90 days
  • Fall in love with the problem, not the solution.
  • How to double your sales conversions in 90 days.
  • Solve one bottleneck after the other.
  • This is how you identify your #1 bottleneck.

Listen to the Full Episode

Robin Waite · #49 - Double Your Revenue in 90 Days - Simon Severino

Double Your Revenue in 90 Days

Joining Robin on the Fearless Business podcast is Simon Severino, CEO of Strategy Sprints, Europe’s leading remote growth advisory. He chats to Robin about Strategy Sprints’ main goal: to help double the revenue of service-based businesses in 90 days. Here are some of the top pieces of advice from the episode.

What is Strategy Sprints?

After 17 years working as a strategy consultant, Simon decided he wanted something different after having a family and wanting to do more remote work so he could spend more time with his family. His strategy background meant that he could see trends coming, so he started to move areas of his business into the digital space. It was the case that the world of online business grew and when the pandemic came, the shift to remote work accelerated further. While Covid also hit Simon’s business, like many others, to begin with, his forward-thinking ability and innovative mindset led to the creation of a 90 day remote accelerator and he now works with top companies around the world.

The Strategy Sprints’ accelerator is specifically aimed at service-based businesses who have around £25,000 monthly income, but don’t see how they can increase that to £50,000 or £75,000. They are high ticket businesses and clients like to have person-to-person interaction before buying. The 90 day programme’s goal is to double your revenue and if not, there is a full money back guarantee.

How do you double revenue in 90 days?

The first step is to stop working in your business and give time to work on your business.

So often people start a business because they are good at something, whether that be coaching, consulting, or whatever your specialism is. However, you soon become the bottleneck of your own growth. Even if you have a team involved, you spend so much time doing the work and not enough time focusing on your business and where you want to take it. This is the first port of call.

Fall in love with the problem, not the solution

A lot of business advice out there is telling you to focus on giving your audience a solution to their problem. Is that the right approach though? The issue with focusing on the solution is that there is always going to be a new way of solving something, whether that is a new approach or new piece of technology. Before you know it, your solution no longer matches the problem. You can’t predict what will be the best solutions in the future, but by focusing on the problems, you can then adapt any new solutions to suit your client’s particular problem.

There is also an ego element in play and it can be hard to let go of being solution-driven because you want to be the solution. For service-based business though, clients come to work with you for the results such as more time and money, the transformation, the processes and systems involved. This method and process you create can be taught to other coaches and the people you bring into your team. Your business still brings the same positive impact to your clients.

Identifying bottlenecks and next steps

Realising that you are not necessarily the most important part of your business and that you could be the bottleneck stopping your business growing is tough.

The success of business is linked to your systems. You cannot make goals for your business if you don’t have the systems and processes in place with which to achieve them. You are far better off spending the time creating systems for areas such as client onboarding and invoicing, and then outsourcing it because in the long run, this saves you far more time and energy than not having systems at all.

There are so many aspects involved in running a business, so laying those foundations is vital. You want to look at where you can save time and energy. What can you systemise, delegate, or delete? Key areas to consider are scheduling, finances, marketing, operations, fulfillment, admin and sales.

There may be aspects such as sales or marketing which you are really good at it and love to do. It’s okay to want to keep doing these yourself, but at some point, you want to systemise these because as you grow, you will have less time to do them.

Want more Strategy Sprints secrets? Check out the full podcast episode.

How to Get Hold of Simon

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