Business Creators Radio Show Interview - Adam Hommey

Last Updated: 

August 23, 2024

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Being an entrepreneur means taking risks…often BIG risks. You have to be fearless to be in business these days. Too many companies fail because the leaders were playing it safe and afraid to take a risk. But not you, right? You have what it takes to succeed. Joining Adam Hommey is the fearless, Robin Waite.

In this episode, you will discover:

  • Common pricing mistakes that will make your B2B fail;
  • How simplicity in business can set you apart;
  • How desire and drive fit into goal setting for a business;
  • 3 things you can do to be more successful;
  • And much more!

If you’re a fearless entrepreneur, tune in!

Listen to the full Episode here:

Robin Waite · The Business Creators Radio Show - Adam Homney

About This Guest: (View Guest's Profile And Appearances)

Robin Waite, business coach, author and speaker, works with clients to set goals and achieve success through his coaching program, born out of a deep passion for personal and business development. Robin puts his experience to work for his clients. From 18 years old until 22, Robin worked as a systems analyst for a medical device company. Putting systems into play, Robin increased efficiency and decreased cost, helping to make the company 50% more profitable. For the next decade, Robin ran a successful design and advertising company, serving over 250 clients. He delivered workshops and masterclasses to over 1,000 business owners on subjects including marketing, product architecture, pricing, websites and more. Now Robin coaches B2B business leaders and entrepreneurs, offering insights from systems to pricing structure to personal development. With fearless goal setting and accountability, Robin’s program is turning dreams into reality for clients around the world.

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