How A Growing Business Can Overcome Financial Challenges

Last Updated: 

April 3, 2023

Running a small business is easier said than done, specifically during the growth stages. The organisation needs more funds to address the growing operational needs, but money always seems short. You may also encounter bottlenecks and obstacles during the scaling process. However, it is absolutely possible to overcome the financial challenges if you have a strategic plan during the growth initiative. Let us share some tried and tested tips to scale at an easy pace without facing a cash crunch.

Key Takeaways on How A Growing Business Can Overcome Financial Challenges:

  1. Budget for growth: Develop a realistic budget before expanding your business, prioritising expenses and avoiding debt as much as possible.
  2. Prepare for unforeseen expenses: Set up an emergency fund to cover unexpected costs and ensure your business can continue to grow during difficult times.
  3. Experiment before investment: Seek professional advice, research, and run experiments to determine where to invest for maximum ROI when scaling your operations.
  4. Ensure tax compliance: Collaborate with tax experts to stay compliant and avoid penalties, missed deadlines, or overpaying taxes.
  5. Avoid mixing personal and business finances: Keep separate accounts for personal and business finances to prevent accounting and tax issues as your company grows.
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Budget for growth

If you plan to upgrade your office, team, and tools, expect the costs to become back-breaking. But budgeting for growth can help you address the challenge of cash constraints. Develop a realistic budget before moving up the ladder and stick to it throughout the journey, even if it means skipping some changes or postponing them for a while. List down your priorities and plan for a comfortable growth process. Steer clear of debts as they can actually slow down the journey.

Prepare for unforeseen expenses

Unforeseen expenses can derail your plans, no matter how great they are. Experts recommend having a dedicated account to build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. The cash reserve can help your company to get through tough times or grow when you need to. If you want a competitive edge then implementing a digital transformation for finance solution will provide scalability, security and align your business with proven industry standards. Setting up an account during good times and automating monthly transfers can help you consolidate the funds over the years. You can leverage the money when growth is on your mind.

Experiment before investment

One of the daunting challenges for business owners looking to scale operations is to decide where to invest for maximum ROI. The last thing you should do when the money is tight is make random decisions. Seek professional advice, check financial videos, and run experiments to check potential returns on different investments. For example, you may benefit more by automating operations instead of hiring more employees. So it is better to divert your funds to the automation initiative.

Ensure tax compliance

Most business owners end up messing with taxes during the growth stage as they focus more on cash flows and expenses. Compliance issues can land you in big trouble as penalties are painful for small businesses. Underpaying your taxes and missing the deadlines is risky, but it can happen when you pay less attention to them. Moreover, overpaying the IRS is a possibility if you miss out on deductions and credits. Collaborating with tax experts is the best way to ensure compliance and stay on the rights side of the law.

Avoid mixing personal and business finances

When your company scales, you may mix your personal finances with business finances. As a rule of thumb, you must keep them separate to avoid accounting and tax issues down the line. Maintain different accounts for both purposes, and commit to keeping the expenses and incomes on the right side. You must follow the practice even when the growth initiative is complete.

Growing your small business is hard work, and it can press your finances. But following these steps can help you overcome the challenges and keep the growth project on track. 

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