How do you find THE perfect client?

Last Updated: 

September 29, 2022

Online Business Startup

How do you find your ideal customer?

I'm going to tell you.

The one you've always wanted and dreamed of working with?

One of my clients has just attributed what I'm about to tell you to getting a meeting booked with Arsenal FC to potentially work with them on a project...and they called her!!

With my Fearless Coaching clients I hammer home three numbers to them all until every one of them wants to punch me in the face:


This stands for:

  • 70 x Conversations
  • 10 x Consultations
  • 2 x Conversions

There is a fourth 'C' and that stands for Loyal Customers who form the foundation blocks to every business and are your raving fans.

Loyal Customers pay you regularly for your products and services and refer HIGH QUALITY clients into your product ecosystem.

This is simple gamification of some basic business metrics.

Don't know your know you numbers then WTF are you doing running a business? Get out there and learn your numbers.

Hustle daily.

Every day move your prospects from one 'C' to the next 'C'.

It's seriously as simple as that.

I'm so proud of my client, who is now tracking her numbers via a whiteboard, has seriously hustled and is now making things happen in her business.




Here are my stats just in case some smart-arse asks, in the last 12 months I've done the following:

  • 815 x Business cards from events I've spoken at or attended
  • 125 x Consultations
  • 34 x Clients on my Fearless Programme
  • 5 x In/out - been on Programme but left
  • 4 x Ad Hoc clients

12% attrition rate meaning I ideally need one new client per month to attain a sustainable level of business.

Simple, I know my numbers.

And yes, I'm more like 70-10-3 now, but that's because I am damned good at what I do...finally!!

I collect this data via TypeForm, MailChimp, excel spreadsheets, and my accounts package (Xero). All hooked up via Zapier.

I focus on three core pillars within my business:

  1. Speaking
  2. Consultations
  3. Coaching

During all three core pillars I am coaching.


And I mean EVERY...

Other activity is secondary to these three things. Speaking gets Consultations booked which creates clients and puts food on the table.

  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounts
  • Marketing
  • Videos
  • My diary

All done by someone else now. Why? So I can focus on 70-10-2, my three core pillars.





Warm regards

Robin -

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