How Entrepreneurs Can Easily Send Mass Emails from a Spreadsheet

Last Updated: 

June 6, 2024

Sending mass emails can be a tedious task, but using a spreadsheet to manage and automate this process can save a lot of time and effort. Here’s a straightforward way to do it, along with the benefits.

Key Takeaways on Sending Mass Emails Efficiently from a Spreadsheet

  1. Organise Contacts Efficiently: Collect and input recipient details into a spreadsheet, organising them by names, email addresses, and other relevant information for easy management and segmentation.
  2. Draft Personalised Email Templates: Create email templates with placeholders for personalised details to make each email feel relevant and increase engagement.
  3. Connect to an Email Service: Use tools like Lido that integrate with Google Sheets or Excel to automate your email sending process without needing to write code.
  4. Set Up Automation Rules: Configure automation to send emails based on specific criteria, scheduling them as needed to suit your business requirements.
  5. Run Tests Before Mass Sending: Test your setup to check for formatting issues and verify that personalised fields populate correctly to ensure professionalism.
  6. Enhance Efficiency and Scalability: Automating emails saves time and effort, allowing you to handle large contact lists effortlessly and scale your campaigns as your business grows.
  7. Cost-Effective Solution: Utilise existing tools like Google Sheets or Excel with minimal additional costs, benefiting from free tiers or affordable pricing plans offered by many email automation tools.
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Steps to Send Mass Emails from a Spreadsheet

1. Organise Your Contacts

Collect and input your recipient details into a spreadsheet, such as Google Sheets or Excel. Include columns for names, email addresses, and any other information you need to personalise your emails. This initial organisation will make it easier to manage and segment your contacts based on various criteria, such as location, purchase history, or engagement level.

2. Draft Your Email Templates

Create your email subject lines and body content in another sheet. Use placeholders for personalised details to tailor each email to the recipient. This approach ensures that each email feels personal and relevant, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

3. Connect Your Spreadsheet to an Email Service

Use a tool like Lido, which integrates with both Google Sheets and Excel, to automate your email sending. This tool allows you to connect your spreadsheet and set up automation rules without needing to write any code.

4. Set Up Automation

Configure the automation to send emails based on your criteria. For instance, you can schedule emails to be sent at specific times or trigger them based on changes in your spreadsheet. Automation can be set up to run daily, weekly, or according to any custom schedule that suits your business needs.

5. Test Your Setup

Before sending out mass emails, run a few tests to ensure everything works correctly. Check for formatting issues and verify that the personalised fields populate correctly. Testing helps you catch any potential errors that could affect the professionalism and effectiveness of your emails.

Benefits of Using Spreadsheets for Email Automation


Automating sending emails from a spreadsheet saves significant time compared to manual methods. You can manage large volumes of emails with minimal effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.


Easily personalise emails using the data in your spreadsheet. Personalised emails have been shown to improve open rates and engagement, making your email campaigns more effective.


Handle large lists of contacts without additional effort. As your business grows, your email automation setup can scale with you, accommodating more contacts and more complex campaigns.


Utilise tools you already have, such as Google Sheets or Excel, with minimal additional costs. Many email automation tools offer free tiers or affordable pricing plans that fit the budget of small businesses and startups.

Use Cases for Spreadsheet-Based Email Automation

Customer Relationship Management

Keep your customers informed about new products, promotions, and updates by sending regular newsletters. Automated emails can help maintain a strong relationship with your customer base and keep them engaged with your brand.

Event Invitations

If you’re hosting an event, whether it’s a webinar, workshop, or in-person gathering, use your spreadsheet to manage the guest list and send personalised invitations. You can also automate follow-up emails to attendees.

Lead Generation and Email Outreach

Automate your lead generation efforts by sending personalised emails to potential leads. Track the status of each lead in your spreadsheet and set up automated follow-up emails to nurture relationships. This process helps ensure timely and consistent communication with your prospects, improving your chances of conversion.

Integrating Spreadsheets with Email Services

Google Sheets and Gmail

Google Sheets and Gmail work seamlessly together for email automation. You can use various add-ons and tools, such as Lido, to connect these services and set up automated email workflows. Google’s ecosystem provides robust support and documentation, making it easy to get started.

Excel and Outlook

For those who prefer Microsoft’s tools, Excel and Outlook can also be integrated for email automation. Similar to Google Sheets, there are several tools and plugins available that enable this integration, allowing you to manage your email campaigns directly from Excel.

Final Thoughts

By integrating these steps into your workflow, you can streamline your email communication and focus more on growing your business. Automating email not only saves time but also ensures that your messages are consistent and timely. 

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