How to Get Business Coaching Clients

Last Updated: 

November 8, 2022

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Attracting businesses is WAY more difficult than attracting customers to buy your stuff.

This is because business people are already aware of the marketing channels that you are possibly going to use. So, to attract more clients to your coaching programme requires more efforts or guts.

Be Genuine – Don’t Use Over the Board Marketing Phrases:

Be genuine in your marketing campaign.

Everybody knows you are here to make money so no need to hide that from your clients.

However, the best way to get money out of your client’s pocket is by giving them a genuine solution to their problems. First, help them out and later talk about your money or fee. Don’t go diving into prices head first you will only scare your potential clients away!

Genuineness attracts everybody on earth so, be genuine!

Ask Questions – Tell Your Client You Are Concerned:

To be a GREAT Business Coach you need to be a GREAT detective!

You are required to have knowledge and know-how regarding the core of the problem. Sometimes, an entrepreneur doesn't know the exact problem, or they hide the mistakes they have made in the past due to which their business has reached this point.

So, you are the one who needs to investigate the core reason for the problem that your client is going through. Ask as many questions as you can to gain insight into what is causing the problem, reassure your client that it is a vital part of the process because too many questions can irritate anyone!

Tell Them What You Know – Knock Them Down With Your Experience:

During the Q&A let the client speak as much as they can, encourage them to tell you every little detail, in order to understand the core of the problems.

Take notes during the discussion. NOTES SAVE TIME- they help you jot down your thoughts and ideas at that moment.

Once the discussion session is complete, now it is time that you speak and informs your client regarding your knowledge.


You know best, you’ve done this countless times before

Now it is time, you answer each and every question and address the problems at first place. Use pass success stories to show your client that their problem isn’t the end of their business.

Attract Your Client by Your Way of Explanation – Make Use of Technology:

You are required to use technology and technical stuff in order to put up an impression on your client. Using such means is not only to put the impression on your clients but it is also that the person would be able to understand what you are saying in a better way. Using visual demos can help you expand on your ideas and help your client better understand what you’re trying to say.

Keep an Eye on Coaches – Understand What Strategies Your Competitors Are Doing:

Know who your local competitors are, have a browse of their platforms see what makes them stand out.

You are required to be aware of the bits and bobs happening inside the market of the coaches. By having an idea that what other Business Coaches in your area are doing, you can stay ahead of the game, it can help in understanding and figure out what your next move should be, in order to snag the potential clients before they do,

Instead of thinking of your competitor as an enemy, think of them as a guide and do everything that they are going but with double passion.

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