How to Increase Your Visibility and Engagement on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Last Updated: 

February 1, 2024

Writing a book is no walk in the park by any means. We all have some story or the other to tell but the ability to harness your inner-most thoughts and feelings into words that can capture the rhythms of those around you is a creative gift that not a lot of people possess. Do you feel that you have what it takes? Do you have the next big idea all penned down? Well, the hard part is already over then. 

With the right online book marketing services in your arsenal, you can not only achieve your literary dreams but much more—you can build an audience that forever resonates with you! 

With these book marketing strategies, master the art of increasing your visibility and engagement on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Key Takeaways on Increasing Visibility and Engagement on Social Media

  1. Crafting Compelling Content: Visual appeal is crucial. Utilise high-quality images, incorporate design elements, and maintain authenticity to captivate your audience. Know your reader base, enhance shareability, and include calls-to-action to encourage engagement.
  2. Timing Your Content: Understand your target audience's habits. Experiment with posting times, leverage analytics for insights, and consider global time zones to maximise visibility and interaction.
  3. The Power of Hashtags and Keywords: Hashtags and keywords are organisational labels. Strategically use them to categorise and describe your content for increased discoverability. Avoid excessive or irrelevant use to maintain authenticity and engagement.
  4. Understanding Social Media Algorithms: Be aware of how algorithms work on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Tailor your efforts to align with these algorithms, considering user engagement history, content timeliness, and type for effective book marketing.
  5. Differentiating Book Marketing from Publishing: Publishing is a part of book marketing but focuses on posting and gaining reviews. Book marketing involves utilising various means to boost engagement, creating an active audience for your work.
  6. Ease of Learning Online Book Marketing: If you're familiar with social media platforms, you're halfway there. Online book marketing can be learned through resources like YouTube, offering insights into becoming a professional with consistency.
  7. Consideration of Hiring Book Marketing Service: If unsure about your marketing abilities, hiring a book marketing service can provide a competitive edge. Choose a suitable package based on your budget and work with professionals to cater to all your marketing needs.
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Why Social Media?

It’s simple, really. You can have the most radical and unyielding ideas unfolding in your mind but the world will never know about it…if it never knows about it. The good thing about social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is that, apart from a few nuances here and there, they work in almost the same fashion. 

So, no matter which platform you choose, the following tips will come in handy. But before that, let’s understand how Social Media Platforms actually work.

The Social Media Algorithm—What, When, and How, of Posting Content

Scroll through your Instagram or Facebook search feed right now and look at the type of content it is displaying for you. This is the Social Media algorithm working behind the curtains. In short, it is a set of rules and processes that determine the content displayed in a user's feed, based on user preferences.

These algorithms consider various factors, including the user's engagement history, content timeliness, and the type of content being posted. The objective is to present users with the most relevant and engaging content tailored to their individual interests and behaviours.

When marketing books online, you can tailor your efforts according to the relevant algorithm by following along these tips:

Crafting Compelling Content—Knowing What to Post

Crafting compelling content is a cornerstone of effective book marketing, as it plays a pivotal role in maximising your reach and engagement on social media platforms. Given the saturated landscape, it's essential to create visually appealing and captivating posts to capture the attention of potential readers. Here are key tips tailored for the realm of book marketing:

Visual Appeal Matters:

  • Utilise high-quality images and videos that showcase the essence of your book.
  • Incorporate design elements such as colour schemes, typography, and graphics to make your content visually striking.

Authenticity Draws Readers In:

  • Embrace authenticity in your posts; readers are drawn to genuine content that reflects your unique voice and brand.
  • If you have the option of choosing to be flashy or authentic, always go for the latter! Be who you are, not who you think the readers need to be.

Know Your Reader Base:

  • Understand the interests of your target audience and tailor your content to resonate with their preferences.

Enhance Shareability:

  • Design your content to be easily shareable, encouraging readers to spread the word to their own networks.
  • Make use of readily available features such as public accounts and stories.

Incorporate Call-to-Action:

  • Prompt your followers to engage by including calls-to-action, such as encouraging them to explore your book, share their thoughts, or participate in discussions.
  • Use the comment section! Don’t be afraid to indulge in healthy conversations and criticism.
  • Share posts from your followers and fellow artists, and start conversations to show that you value the engagement of the community.

Timing your content—Knowing When to Post

Ever experienced the frustration of sharing your book on social media and feeling like your efforts are lost in the digital abyss? Remember, your audience is not sitting around waiting for you to post all the time. Understanding the optimal times to post is key to maximising visibility and interaction. 

While the ideal posting time varies based on factors like your target readership, content type, and the platform you're using, there are some general principles to enhance the impact of your book marketing efforts:

Know Your Readers' Habits:

Understanding the routines of your target readers is paramount in identifying the best times to share your book. If your audience comprises primarily 9-5 professionals, avoid posting during their workday to ensure your content doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

Experiment with Timing:

Don't be afraid to experiment with posting at different times to gauge when your audience is most active and responsive to book-related content. This flexibility allows you to refine your approach based on real-time engagement.

Leverage Analytics:

Most social media platforms offer analytics tools that provide insights into the peak activity periods of your followers. Use these analytics to tailor your posting schedule, aligning it with when your audience is most likely to be online and receptive.

Consider Global Time Zones:

For authors with a global readership, consider the time zones of your diverse audience. Adjust your posting schedule to accommodate different regions, ensuring that your book marketing efforts resonate with readers around the world.

The Power of Hashtags and Keywords—Knowing How to Post

Think of hashtags as organisational labels that categorise your book-related content, facilitating discoverability. Integrating relevant hashtags into your posts enhances visibility, ensuring that your content reaches individuals actively searching for topics associated with those specific hashtags.

Keywords serve as the descriptive words and phrases that encapsulate the essence of your book marketing posts. Including pertinent keywords aids social media algorithms in comprehending the context and significance of your content, contributing to heightened visibility and increased engagement.

Strategic use of hashtags and keywords is paramount. Excessive or irrelevant deployment of these seemingly small elements can have adverse effects, potentially diminishing reach and engagement by giving your content a spam-like appearance. 

Opt instead for a focused approach, incorporating a select few relevant hashtags and keywords that accurately characterise the content of your book marketing posts.

Remember, the goal is to not just sell your book but to create an active audience that keeps coming back for more whenever their reading taste buds tingle—that is how you not just sell your craft, but create a long-lasting brand.


How is online Book Marketing different from Publishing?

  • Publishing is only a part of the job of book marketing. Think of publishing as a small wing under the larger umbrella of book marketing. 
  • Publishing simply refers to posting your book on relevant platforms and gaining reviews for them. 
  • Book marketing involves the heavy lifting of utilising all means possible to increase engagement for your work. 

Is Book Marketing easy to learn?

  • If you’re an avid user of Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, voila! You already know most of what there is to learn about online Book Marketing.
  • With the right resources on platforms such as YouTube, you can learn how to be a professional in no time. All it requires is consistency!

Should I hire a Book Marketing Service?

  • If you are not confident in your marketing abilities then hiring a Book Marketing Service might give you the competitive edge you need.
  • With the right budget, you can select the package that is most suitable to your needs and work with a team of professionals to cater to all your marketing needs.

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