How to Keep a Competitive Edge in Business

Last Updated: 

December 29, 2023

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, we've got some tips for you. What are ways I can learn more about my target market? What are good ways to know my business competitors? What are the benefits of having a business coach?

Key takeaways on keeping an edge in business

  1. Embrace innovation: Staying ahead of the competition requires continuously exploring new ideas, products, and technologies. Embrace change and encourage creativity within your organisation to drive growth.
  2. Understand your target market: Conduct regular market research to better understand your customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. This will enable you to tailor your offerings and messaging to resonate with your target audience.
  3. Prioritise customer satisfaction: Provide exceptional customer service and support to build long-lasting relationships with your clients. Focus on their needs and seek feedback to improve your products and services continually.
  4. Foster a strong company culture: A positive and inclusive work environment can help attract top talent and retain valuable employees. Encourage teamwork, communication, and professional development to improve overall productivity.
  5. Monitor your competition: Keep a close eye on your competitors to identify industry trends and stay informed about their strategies, products, and services. This knowledge will help you differentiate your offerings and make informed decisions about your business.
  6. Invest in employee training and development: Providing regular training and development opportunities will help your team stay up-to-date with industry trends, hone their skills, and remain motivated to perform at their best.
  7. Optimise your supply chain: Efficient and reliable supply chain management can help reduce costs, minimise risks, and ensure timely delivery of products and services. Build strong relationships with suppliers and monitor their performance to maintain quality standards.
  8. Leverage data and analytics: Utilise data-driven insights to make informed decisions, identify opportunities for improvement.
Online Business Startup

Keep your objectives clearly defined

To be competitive, you need to know what you're aiming for and be able to measure your progress. Write down your objectives and make sure they're realistic, you don't want to set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are too high or too low.

You should also make sure that the goal is specific; a vague objective like "I want my business to grow" is not as useful as one like "My sales team will increase their revenue by 20% over the next 12 months." Finally, be mindful of how much time it will take before achieving your objectives so that they remain relevant throughout the year (or whatever time frame works best).

Get in touch with your customers

In order to stay competitive, you need to get in touch with your customers. Listen carefully and ask them what they want from your business, what they need from it, and what they don't like about it currently.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

The first step in keeping a competitive edge is to find the resources that are available to you. There are many free resources, as well as services offered by professionals who charge for their time.

  • Look for free resources: Your local library and bookstores may have books about business management, marketing strategies and even financial planning that can help you get started with your new venture. If not, search online for free ebooks or websites offering advice on how to start a business from scratch (or take over an existing one). These resources are especially helpful if they offer step-by-step instructions on what steps need to be taken before opening day; otherwise it could be confusing trying to figure everything out yourself!
  • Ask friends and family members who have owned their own businesses before what advice they would give someone starting out today versus back then when these people were first getting started themselves."

Create a barrier to entry

The first step in keeping a competitive edge is to create a barrier to entry for your customers. The more difficult it is for competitors to enter the market, the higher your profits will be. This means that you should do everything possible to make it hard for them to not only compete with you but also copy your product or service and enter into the same market as you.

  • Create a unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP should be something that sets you apart from other companies in your industry, such as better quality products or services at lower prices than anyone else offers them at, or even free! By creating this kind of differentiation between yourself and other businesses within similar markets, people will remember why they chose one brand over another when making purchasing decisions later down the line.* Make sure there are no holes in security measures; otherwise someone could easily hack into them.* Update software regularly because older versions aren't secure enough anymore due constant improvements being made by developers over time

Know the competition, and what they're doing right and wrong

If you want to stay competitive in your industry, it's important to know what your competitors are doing. You should know their strengths and weaknesses, what they're doing right and wrong, and how that could affect your business.

Know Your Competition

You should research the other businesses in your field so that you can understand them better: their target market, financial situation and size of business (if applicable). The more information on which companies operate in this space the better equipped you will be when making decisions about how best to grow or run your own operation.

Always plan for the worst-case scenario

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume that everything will go according to plan. You need to be prepared for the unexpected, and planning for worst-case scenarios is one way of doing this. The best way to prepare yourself for potential problems is by creating a list of all possible situations that could arise and thinking about how you will deal with them if they do occur.

Here are some examples:

  • You have a meeting scheduled with your boss, but he's out sick today, what do you do?
  • Your supplier cancels an order at short notice because they've got busy elsewhere, how does this affect your timeline?
  • An employee calls in sick just before his shift starts, what now?

Optimise your supply chain

In today's business world, supply chain is the lifeblood of any organisation. It's the process through which you get your products from point A to point B. Logistics and inventory management are vital components of this process, but so too are transportation and distribution. Once your product has arrived at its destination, warehousing and order fulfillment take over until it's delivered directly into customers' hands, or maybe even onto their doorsteps!

The key thing to remember here is that without an optimised supply chain, there would be no competitive edge for your business at all. In fact, if there was anything holding back your company from achieving maximum success right now then it would almost certainly be due to poor logistics management or insufficient inventory control procedures (or both). You need an effective system in place so that every single aspect of getting things done happens smoothly with minimal effort required by anyone involved, and this includes yourself as well!

Invest in employee training and development

Training and development is an investment in your team's future. How do you know if you need training or business coaching? You can start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do I have an actionable plan for my business?
  • Is my team engaged and motivated to take on projects, or are they dragging their feet because they're bored or don't know what the next steps are?
  • Are my employees growing faster than the competition?

If so, then congratulations! Your business probably doesn't need any help from outside sources at this point. But if not (or even if it does), consider investing in employee training and development programs like those offered by Skillsoft University or Skillsoft Academy, both are excellent options for getting started with an online learning platform that will help improve performance across all areas of your organisation, from sales managers who need new tactics for closing deals to customer service reps who want better ways handle complaints over social media channels like Facebook Messenger or Twitter DMs.

With these tips, you'll be able to keep your business running smoothly and efficiently!

  • Plan ahead.
  • Stay organised.
  • Stay on top of things.
  • Be flexible and adaptable to change, so you can keep your business running smoothly and efficiently!

If you're having trouble with any of these things, try delegating tasks to someone else who may be able to do them better than you can (or at least differently). It's also important not to get too bogged down in details, it's easy for a small problem or setback to snowball into something much larger than it needs be if we let ourselves get distracted by minor details when there are more pressing matters at hand.

FAQs on keeping a competitive edge

As you navigate the complex world of maintaining a competitive edge in business, it's natural to have questions about the best strategies and practices. In this FAQ section, we address some of the most common queries related to staying ahead of the competition. Dive in to gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts and learn how to effectively implement these tactics within your organisation.

What are ways I can learn more about my target market?

You should have a good understanding of the demographics and psychographics of your target market. This can help you understand what they need, what they want and why they are buying from your company. You should also know their buying habits, media consumption habits and lifestyle choices so that you can better tailor products or services to meet their needs.

If you don't already have access to this information (or if it isn't accurate), consider hiring an outside firm like Nielsen Norman Group or Red Tree Consulting who specialise in user research for digital products such as websites/apps/software applications etc.. They will ask questions about where users live; how old they are; how much money they make per year; whether or not there are kids at home etc.. This will give them insight into the types of devices being used by various demographics which may determine whether someone buys a smartphone over an iPad because one has better battery life while another offers more storage space available immediately after purchase without having to upgrade later on down the line!

What are good ways to know my business competitors?

  • Look at their websites
  • Follow them on social media
  • Check out their business reviews, both online and in print.

Do they have a blog? What is it about? Are they posting regularly, or just occasionally when something big happens in the industry or with their company? How much content do they produce each week/month/year on average? Do they use infographics or videos, or both, and if so, how often do these appear on their site/pages (or not)? Do they post press releases about new products or services being launched by other companies as well as themselves; do these get shared widely by other people within the industry who then link back to those posts from their own sites and social media accounts (or not)?

What are the benefits of having a business coach?

If you have a business coach, they will help to keep you motivated and focused on your goals. They can also help you see things from a different perspective, which can be very beneficial in helping you make the right decisions for your company. A business coach will be able to provide insight into areas of your business that need improvement or development so that the company can continue to grow and thrive in its market space.

What are ways I can outperform my competitors on social media?

Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses, but it's important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You have to tailor your strategy based on your business goals.

Here are some ways you can use social media to outperform your competitors:

  • Drive traffic to your website by posting links and articles that will help people find what they're looking for on your site. This will increase the number of visitors who click through from Facebook or Twitter, which in turn increases sales conversion rates (when someone buys something).
  • Build brand awareness by sharing photos, videos and other content that showcases what makes your company unique in an authentic way so potential customers feel like they know who you are before they ever meet face-to-face with someone from customer service at one of their stores."


As you can see, there are many ways to keep your business competitive. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it should give you some ideas about where to start with your own company. If you need help getting started with any of these activities or questions, don't hesitate!

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