How to Keep Your Personal Information Secure

Last Updated: 

March 27, 2023

Identity theft is the act of stealing personal information, such as banking details, and using them without authorisation. This activity has been in effect for a while, but it has become more rampant with the emergence of new malicious practices.

If you become a victim of identity theft, you can be exposed to various risks to your personal safety and financial stability. That is why you need to protect your identity

To help you with this process, here is how to keep your personal information secure. 

Key takeaways on keeping your personal data secure

  1. Only share your personal information with reliable websites that have security assurances.
  2. Keep track of ongoing hacks and malicious activities to determine if your information is part of any leaked data.
  3. Avoid sharing personally identifiable information with strangers on anonymous chatting portals.
  4. Use different login credentials for each account to prevent data breaches.
  5. Adopt the use of authentication solutions like multi-factor authentication to protect your identity.
  6. Learn how to identify phishing attempts and avoid being a victim of these scams.
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Share Your Information Only With Reliable Websites

Learning what identity theft is is relatively easy. However, steering clear of being a victim of ID theft requires more work than understanding a simple definition. For starters, you should only share your information with websites that come with security assurances. 

This includes a padlock icon in the address bar that denotes standard encryption (TLS/HTTPS). Checking a reliable brand’s official social media channels and verifying the website URL on those pages also ensures that you are dealing with the correct website. 

Keep Track of Ongoing Hacks and Malicious Activities

In today’s day and age, it is common for even major websites to get hacked by bad scammers now and then. By keeping track of such breaches, you can determine whether your information is part of the leaked data. 

This helps you take the required actions, such as changing passwords or getting new credit cards to safeguard yourself. By subscribing to one of the best ID theft protection service options, you can achieve this feat with the utmost ease. 

Don’t Share Personally Identifiable Information With Strangers

Anonymous chatting portals have allowed everyone to open up to strangers. While lightening your heart can be quite comforting, it can also backfire if you share any personally identifiable information with strangers with ill intentions. 

To avoid these risks, make it a point to be ambiguous about your identity on such websites. Alternatively, you can look into a messaging therapy app to share your thoughts with a certified professional who would not use your information maliciously.

Don’t Share Personally Identifiable Information With Strangers

Use Different Login Credentials for Each Account

When learning how to keep your website secure from hackers, using different and difficult-to-guess passwords stands out as the top suggestion for website admins. This also holds for website users of all kinds. 

If you use the same email and password combination to log in to every service, it takes one data breach for malicious parties to access every account you have. That is why you should use a different password for every service.

Adopt the Use of Authentication Solutions

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a practice to verify any login attempt through multiple channels. For instance, if you are logging in with your email and password, MFA can send a text code to your phone number to verify you are accessing your account. 

You can turn on this feature across many websites and protect your identity. If you run a business, you can also look into MFA software to safeguard your organisation and clients through this approach. 

Don’t Fall for Phishing Attempts By Bad Actors

A phishing scam is when someone impersonates another individual or organisation to obtain sensitive information or funds from the victim. This makes it crucial to learn how to avoid being a phishing scam victim while operating online. 

You can then use your knowledge to identify bad actors at first glance and protect yourself and your organisation. If you run a business, you can also use training management software to equip your employees against continuous phishing attempts.

These tips allow you to safeguard your online identity through multiple means. This enables you to reduce the risks of exposure to the wrong parties and enhance your overall security in an effective and well-rounded manner.

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