How to Pick Credible Sources for Your Academic Assignments

Last Updated: 

April 22, 2024

Getting lost in so much information online is a usual thing. Every student knows it once they start working on academic assignments.

It can be rough at the beginning to navigate the resources and pick out the right information. However, if you follow the tips below, this task will become much easier for you to handle.

Key Takeaways on Picking Credible Sources for Academic Assignments:

  • Evaluate URLs for Credibility: Look for domains ending in .edu, .gov, or .org as indicators of credible sources.
  • Avoid Relying on Wikipedia: Wikipedia is not considered an authoritative source due to its open editing nature. Use it for general understanding but not as a primary reference.
  • Use Libraries: Libraries offer a wealth of resources, some of which are not available online. Printed sources can also reduce the risk of plagiarism and are often viewed favorably by educators.
  • Research Online Databases: Use reputable college databases like EBSCO, JSTOR, Scopus, and Google Scholar for reliable e-books, papers, and articles.
  • Pay Attention to Details: Check the author's credentials, the publisher's reputation, and ensure that references are included and credible.
  • Ask Peers for Recommendations: Share resources and feedback with classmates to discover effective platforms and sources.
  • Check Source Relevancy: Ensure the content is up-to-date and relevant to your topic, ideally published within the last 5-10 years.
  • Define the Source's Purpose: Assess whether the source is meant to entertain, share research, teach, etc., and ensure it matches the purpose of your assignment.
  • Choose Fact-Based Sources: Select sources that rely on factual data and evidence rather than assumptions, and follow your professor's guidelines.

These takeaways highlight the importance of careful source selection, using a variety of resources, and ensuring the relevance and credibility of information used in academic assignments.

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Ways to Find Credible Sources

Let’s take a pattern from people who’ve been doing it for years. Every reputable assignment help from professional essay writers platform suggests evaluating an online resource for credibility indicators. And the first thing you can do is take a look at the URL.

Trusted websites usually have domains ending with .edu or .gov, which means educational and governmental resources. You can also consider using non-profit organisations’ websites - ending with .org.

Yet, this is just a basic rule; here are more detailed recommendations to help you pick credible sources for your assignment.

In addition to the traditional academic resources discussed, it’s equally important for students to access complementary educational tools. Websites like free educational websites offer a range of learning materials that can enhance your research and understanding, providing a broader educational context that supports academic success.

Don’t Risk With Wikipedia

We bet every student is tempted to use Wikipedia once in a while. But the reality is it’s not an authoritative source. Even though this website is a huge pool of knowledge and can answer a lot of critical questions, you should not rely on it completely when doing any type of research. Better make a request for "take my class for me" and get guaranteed help from specialists who can give you an accurate answer instead of wikipedia.

Many professors frown upon Wikipedia, and you will never see top assignment services using this source. The thing is, almost anyone on the Internet has the ability to change little details in Wikipedia articles. This can cause a lot of confusion if the facts and concepts become distorted.

It’s an incredible tool for broadening your outlook, but it’s better not to risk your grades using Wikipedia as a reference.

Don’t Underestimate Libraries

Sometimes you have to handle a lengthy term paper or write a comprehensive literature review. And that’s when your professor suggests going to a library to gather all the necessary information.

You might feel like your professor is complicating everything, but they actually give you a shortcut to completing your assignment. Libraries offer thousands of free sources for you to choose from, some of which are unavailable online. Moreover, citing a printed book or article in your paper increases your chances of getting a higher grade. Why?

First, you minimise the risk of accidental plagiarism if the source is non-existent online. Second, your instructor will appreciate the extra effort you took when working on your paper.

Still reluctant to go to the local library and prefer to do your homework elsewhere? Then get the most out of the next option.

Research Online

You will never be wrong if you decide to use college databases. For instance, EBSCO is a recognised treasure house of multiple e-books, papers, magazines, and more. JSTOR, Scopus, and Google Scholar will come in handy, too.

But if sifting through numerous databases makes your head spin, you can go for alternatives and delegate such a tedious task. That’s why some students use a trusted assignment writing service to speed up the process and lift some weight off their shoulders. And it’s fine! As long as you find the way that works for you, and as long as your references are legitimate, there is nothing wrong with opting for assistance.

Pay Attention to the Details

When looking at the sources, pay attention to the author’s credentials and the publisher. And when you buy an assignment, always make sure they include the references at the end. Don’t only check how the paper is written but also skim through the listed sources.

Quickly analyse the content to assess how trustworthy the site or article is. The following questions will shed some light on questionable resources:

  • Are the opinions in the text unbiased?
  • Is there a conflict of interest involved?
  • Who are the authors that write the papers? Are they experts in their fields, students, or just enthusiasts?
  • Has the source been peer-reviewed?

Ask Your Peers

Don’t feel ashamed to ask for assignment help. The chances that other students have already found great websites or apps are high. It’s always a smart decision to exchange the platforms you have and give feedback on how they worked for each particular project.

Sometimes it seems impossible to find suitable information on a certain topic, and that’s when your classmates can help you out.

Check the Source’s Relevancy

Things change, but you can still come across outdated content online. Keep an eye on the date of the article you are referencing and fact-check it when possible. It’s always more beneficial to find the latest sources, but it all depends on the topic of your research. Generally, educational institutions approved materials published no more than 5-10 years ago.

As you delve into academic research, it's crucial to use credible and reliable sources. In addition to traditional databases and libraries, innovative tools like ResearchGPT can offer valuable assistance. This platform provides a unique approach to gathering and analysing information, ensuring that your academic work is supported by authoritative and up-to-date sources. Leveraging such advanced tools can significantly enhance the quality and credibility of your research.

Define the Purpose of the Source

Not every peer-reviewed article on the topic will work for your specific assignment. Looking through the text, try to understand what’s the purpose of the content it offers. Is it meant to entertain readers, to share research, to teach, or is it something else?

Also, consider the audience the text was written for. Content from credible sources fits the context perfectly and doesn’t have anything redundant.

Some sources cover the topic superficially and don’t include enough evidence to back up stated claims. Pick the ones that rely on factual data rather than assumptions, and follow your professor’s instructions at all times. Even when hiring assignment writers, make it crystal clear what you expect of them. The chosen sources should match the purpose of the task.


Finding and evaluating sources is an inevitable part of student life. This step can often make or break the whole assignment you’re working on. That’s why you should spend extra time gathering information for your paper, even if it means visiting a library once in a while.

Avoid websites unsuitable for academic research and use the databases professors approve of. Lastly, don’t hesitate to turn to your peers or professionals if you feel stuck. Getting timely assistance never hurts anyone!

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