How to Set Up an Interior Design Business?

Last Updated: 

May 31, 2024

Are you looking for a new business venture? Wondering what is trending in the current market? Why not try the interior design business? The current market size of the interior design business is 132 billion USD. 

It shows how people are currently viewing interior design as a way to improve their living standards. Besides, retail stores today want to deliver the best shopping experience with unique interior design. It gives them a wider reach in social media and also gives them better market penetration. 

Hence, in the next section, we will discuss how to set up your interior design business and earn millions. It is a sustainable and growing business, so don’t worry. You have lots of battles to win. 

Key Takeaways on Starting an Interior Design Business

  1. Define Your Services: Clarify the specific interior design services you'll offer, such as paint palettes, mood boards, or 3D renderings, to cater to your target market effectively.
  2. Identify Your Style and Specialty: Determine your design style and target clientele, whether it's residential or commercial spaces, families or retail stores, to create a focused brand identity.
  3. Register Your Business: Choose a catchy and unique name for your interior design business, ensuring it's not already in use to avoid copyright issues, and consider creating a Google Business profile for online visibility.
  4. Develop a Portfolio: Showcase your past projects, even if they're small, through interior design of your own space, 3D renderings, and mood boards to demonstrate your expertise and attract clients.
  5. Focus on Website UX: Invest in a user-friendly website with clear pricing information to enhance the customer experience and encourage inquiries.
  6. Learn from Successful Companies: Seek inspiration from established interior design firms like Eight Designs in Singapore, observing their strategies and approaches to refine and improve your own business model.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Stay updated with industry trends, refine your skills, and adapt your business strategies to remain competitive in the dynamic interior design market.
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Ways to Set up an Interior Design Business 

Here are a few ways that can help you set up your own interior design business and create a market space by your name - 

Step 1: Fixate on Services to Offer 

First and foremost, you need to determine what kind of services you want to offer to customers. This is because interior design is an umbrella term, once you open there are micro linings to follow. It includes - 

  • Paint palettes 
  • Mood boards 
  • 3D renderings 
  • Detailed notes, etc. 

All of these things come under interior design. Therefore, it is best to decide what you want to offer, and if you want a one-stop solution, you have to contact manufacturers and contractors to provide you with the materials. 

Step 2: Determine Style and Speciality 

In the next step, you need to narrow your thing to focus on core speciality and design style. This is because there are different kinds of interior design styles, and each of them has unique characteristics. Therefore, it is better to stick to some core styles, which are both trending and elevate the staying experience. 

Consequently, you need to ask yourself some questions - 

  • What kind of designs do you want to offer?
  • Do you want to offer your services to houses, condos or both?
  • Would you like to design homes for kids, couples or families?
  • Are you looking to expand your business to retail stores?

Once you start asking the right questions, you can easily determine what you want to have in your store and sell it accordingly. 

Step 3: Register your Business 

The important thing comes in the third step. Here, you have to determine a name for the business. It is key to attract customers and get them associated with it. Moreover, if you are looking for GenZ customers, you need to find a catchy name for the purpose. 

Here are a few things you might want to look at - 

  • Use simple words that are easy to understand
  • You can include your name if you want
  • Add words similar to interior designs like interior spaces, interior world, etc. 
  • Lastly, make sure no one is using the name. Otherwise, copyright issues are coming your way.  

These are the few things you need to consider before you set up your business in the area. Also, it helps to set up your retail name in the Google business profile to attract more customers. 

Step 4: Build your Portfolio 

In the next step, you need to build a portfolio which shows the different projects you understood and succeeded in delivering. You don’t need an array of works to showcase. Rather, you can showcase small projects and other things like - 

  • Interior design of your house. It includes the things you use and style to change the complexion of your house 
  • 3D rendering of spaces. You can show it through interior design software 
  • Lastly, mood boards 

All of these things will help you set up a perfect portfolio that will attract more clients and bring in more business. 

The Bottom Line 

In the end, if you are looking to change the outlook of people’s houses, do remember to build a website with Chicago website redesign, be sure they build great UX experience. This will help you smoothen the shopping experience of customers. Also, look to add the pricing list to let people know of the cost and then contact you accordingly.  

For inspiration, you can look at Eight Designs, the best interior design company in Singapore. They have mastered the art of selling interior designs with varied items and design styles. So, put them on a pedestal and build your business likewise or better than them. 

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