Important Kinds Of Background Checks That Employers Do When Hiring

Last Updated: 

November 7, 2022

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Part of being an employer is knowing what kind of person you're hiring. You go the extra mile to ensure they're honest, have the necessary skills, and won't threaten your business or customers. You also must ascertain they're legally allowed to work in your area. Not forgetting theft, violence, and substance abuse are issues you don’t want to deal with.

That's why employers run background checks. The exercise gives employers a complete picture of who they're hiring, avoiding potential problems down the road. What are the different background checks employers do? Read on to learn more tips on this page:

Education History Check

An education history check is the first background check employers perform. It verifies that applicants have the credentials they claim to have. Employers contact the schools the applicant attended and request transcripts and other records. 

The check verifies that the applicant actually attended the school and didn't just buy a diploma. It assures the employer that the applicant is qualified for the job.

Criminal Record Check

A criminal record check entails searching for an applicant's criminal convictions. It helps employers avoid hiring someone who poses a threat to their business. It also enables them to comply with the law. Employers can't discriminate against applicants based on their criminal history, but they can use it as a factor in their hiring decisions.

Employment History Check

An employment history check is done to verify the applicant's work history. The employer will contact the applicant's previous employers to confirm the dates of employment and job duties. It helps employers understand the applicant's skills, and work ethic and avoid hiring someone fired for cause.

Credit Check

A credit check is often done for positions that involve handling money. It helps employers verify the applicant's financial responsibility and not hire someone with a history of fraud or embezzlement. A credit check isn't required for all positions, but it's becoming more common.

Internet and Social Media Check

More employers are doing internet and social media checks. They want to see what kind of person the applicant is outside work. Employers will avoid hiring someone prone to violence or with a history of making offensive comments. It can also verify the applicant's skills and qualifications. Internet checks enable employers to understand an applicant's character better.

Drug Test

A drug test is often done to ensure the applicant isn't using illegal drugs or is prone to substance abuse. Drug tests are done after an offer of employment. However, some employers require applicants to take a drug test as part of the application process.

Reference Checks

References are the people who can speak about an applicant's character, skills, and work ethic. Employers usually contact an applicant's references after they've interviewed them. This is to verify the information the applicant has provided and better understand the applicant.

You’ll Relate Better

Performing background checks before hiring someone is a common practice as employers avoid potential problems down the road. They also comply with the law and understand their applicants better. You'll have an easier time relating, assigning tasks, and keeping track of your employees if you know their strengths and weaknesses.

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