Making Money with Your Own Website and Skills

Last Updated: 

October 21, 2022

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Making money with your own website used to be a bit of a mystery. In recent years, however, it seems more common to meet someone who is making money from home, working online than someone who isn't.

Although some methods of making money are substantially better than others, it doesn't mean there isn’t something for everyone. Making cash online is no longer a pipedream, millions of people have given up full-time stable employment to be their own boss and make money from the comfort of their own office or even kitchen. Of course, there are many more who are using their websites to create a supplementary income to boost their full-time job income - all hail the side hustle.

So, what should you be thinking about when it comes to making cash from your website. After all the point is to work smart and not harder, right? So let's take a look at some of the things you can add to your website to boost your bank balance.

Affiliate Marketing

If you have a blog or a website it stands to reason you are already talking about products and brands. With online affiliate marketing, you partner up with brands and include their links in your content. Each of those links will have an identifying code that will be linked to your account. Every time someone clicks that link and makes a purchase you’ll make a little bit of cash. There are individual programs and networks - you will have to work out which one makes more sense to you. Some bloggers and website owners make a massive income with affiliate marketing, and others never get the hang of it. It is worth putting in the time to getting it right.


If you are managing a website, the chances are you also handle social media to go along with that. If so all of those are skills you can sell. You might have an expertise in a particular area like writing, editing, photography, design or can set up a few months worth of work of social media with ease. Whatever it is, the chances are you can sell that as a service to someone else online. Fivver, Upwork, People Per Hour and Freelancer are all great places to start for browsing for one-off gigs and more extended contracts that you can manage.


It might be that you have a lot of knowledge in a specific area that you can put into an eBook or online course and sell to people looking to gain understanding in those areas. This comes down to putting some research into pricing, the best platforms to sell on, and making sure that the information that you are giving is up to date and useful. Udemy is a great place to start checking out the type of courses that people sell and seeing where you might fit in. Teachable is also a great platform with many options and even manage payments from. Hook that up to your website and blog and hey presto - cash for what you already know.

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