Maximising Performance with Windows 11: Tips for Business Users

Last Updated: 

June 20, 2024

In the dynamic business world, staying ahead of the curve often means leveraging the latest technologies to drive efficiency and productivity. One such technology that has recently swept the digital landscape is Microsoft's Windows 11. As the latest iteration in a long line of widely used operating systems, Windows 11 has various features designed to enhance user experience and boost performance. This article aims to provide valuable insights into maximising performance with Windows 11, specifically targeted at business users.

Windows 11, launched in late 2021, represents a significant leap forward from its predecessor, Windows 10. It offers a streamlined interface, improved performance, and several unique features that benefit businesses. The new system promises to bring a breath of fresh air to the way we work, offering more intuitive, efficient, and powerful tools than ever before.

The transition from Windows 10 to Windows 11 might seem daunting, especially considering the changes in the user interface and functionality. However, the benefits of adopting the new system are promising, from a redesigned Start menu to the introduction of Snap Layouts and Snap Groups for better multitasking. Many features like taking screenshot in Windows 11 or screen recording have been further enhanced in Windows 11, which can help businesses optimise their operations.

Whether you're a small business owner looking to streamline your operations or an IT manager at a larger corporation seeking to improve system performance, this guide is for you. Join us as we explore the exciting world of Windows 11 and uncover the secrets to maximising its performance for the benefit of your business.

Key Takeaways on Maximising Windows 11 for Performance

  1. Understanding the Basics of Windows 11: Windows 11, launched in 2021, offers a user-friendly interface with a centred Start menu, rounded corners, and enhanced multitasking features like Snap Layouts and Snap Groups. Integrated Microsoft Teams, Direct Access for secure remote work, and support for various input methods make it a versatile and efficient operating system.
  2. Maximising Performance with Windows 11: To optimise Windows 11 performance, manage startup programs, keep the system updated, adjust visual effects, select appropriate power plans, and maintain a clean system. These steps ensure a smoother, more efficient work environment.
  3. Windows 11 Business-Specific Tips: Leverage Microsoft Teams integration for seamless communication and collaboration. Use Snap Layouts and Snap Groups for effective multitasking. Maximise Direct Access for secure remote work, embrace cloud services like OneDrive and Azure, and ensure regular updates to enhance overall system efficiency.

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Understanding the Basics of Windows 11

Before we delve into the specifics of maximising performance with Windows 11 for businesses, it's essential to understand the basics of this new operating system. Unveiled by Microsoft in 2021, Windows 11 comes packed with a host of features that enhance user experience and provide significant benefits for businesses.

The visual difference between Windows 10 and Windows 11 is immediately apparent. The latter boasts a centred Start menu, rounded corners, and a cleaner design, making for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. This modernised interface can help businesses streamline operations and increase productivity by making navigation and task execution simpler and more efficient.

One of the key features of Windows 11 that stands out is its emphasis on multitasking. With the introduction of Snap Layouts and Snap Groups, users can now organise multiple windows and applications on their screens more effectively. This is particularly beneficial for businesses where multitasking is a daily necessity. With these features, switching between tasks becomes seamless, thereby boosting productivity and efficiency.

Another notable feature is the integration of Microsoft Teams directly into the taskbar. This allows for easier access and use of the communication tool, making remote collaboration more straightforward. In a time when remote work is becoming increasingly prevalent, this feature can be a game-changer for businesses, enabling them to maintain effective communication and collaboration among team members, regardless of location.

Windows 11 also introduces Direct Access, a feature that provides secure remote access to your company's network without going through a VPN. This feature can significantly facilitate remote work and enhance security, two paramount important aspects of businesses in the digital age.

Furthermore, Windows 11 offers enhanced support for touch, pen, and voice inputs, making it a versatile operating system for diverse business needs. Whether your team prefers traditional mouse-and-keyboard setups or more modern touch and voice interfaces, Windows 11 has you covered.

Now that we've highlighted the key features of Windows 11 and how they differ from Windows 10, it's clear that this new operating system has a lot to offer businesses. Its user-friendly interface, advanced multitasking capabilities, integrated communication tools, and enhanced support for various input methods all improve user experience. However, to truly reap these benefits, it's crucial to understand how to optimise the system for maximum performance.

Maximising Performance with Windows 11

Optimising your operating system's performance is crucial in a world where efficiency is at the forefront of business success. With Windows 11, Microsoft has introduced many features designed to enhance productivity and improve user experience. However, to truly harness the potential of these features, businesses need to understand how to optimise their systems effectively.

Optimising Windows 11 for maximum performance involves several steps. These range from simple actions, such as managing startup programs and keeping your system updated, to more complex tasks, like adjusting visual effects and power settings. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of your Windows 11 system.

Step 1: Manage Startup Programs

Managing your startup programs is one of the first steps to optimising your Windows 11 system for maximum performance. These are the applications that automatically start running when you boot up your computer. While some of these are necessary for your system to function correctly, others can slow down your startup time and hinder overall performance.

To manage your startup programs, navigate to the Task Manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting 'Task Manager.' From there, click on the 'Startup' tab to see a list of all the applications that start up with your system. Disable any applications that aren't essential to your daily operations.

Step 2: Keep Your System Updated

Regularly updating your system is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. Updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements that can significantly enhance your system's efficiency.

To check for updates in Windows 11, go to 'Settings,' then 'Windows Update,' and click on 'Check for updates.' Make sure to install any available updates to keep your system running smoothly.

Step 3: Adjust Visual Effects

While Windows 11's visual effects make for a visually appealing user interface, they can sometimes affect system performance, particularly on older or less powerful hardware. To optimise performance, you can adjust these effects.

Navigate to 'Settings,' then 'System,' and select 'Advanced System Settings.' Under the 'Performance' section, click on 'Settings.' Here, you can choose to adjust for best performance, which will disable unnecessary visual effects.

Step 4: Manage Power Settings

Windows 11 includes several power plans that can affect your system's performance. Consider using the 'High performance' or 'Ultimate performance' power plans for maximum performance.

To adjust your power plan, go to 'Settings,' then 'Power & sleep,' and select 'Additional power settings.' From there, you can choose the power plan that best suits your needs.

Step 5: Keep Your System Clean

Maintaining a clean system is essential for optimal performance. This includes regularly deleting unnecessary files, uninstalling unused applications, and defragmenting your hard drive.

For routine cleaning, Windows 11 includes a built-in tool called 'Storage Sense.' You can find this by going to 'Settings,' then 'System,' and selecting 'Storage.' Here, you can configure Storage Sense to clean up temporary files and manage your recycle bin automatically.

By following these steps, businesses can significantly enhance their system's performance, making for a smoother, more efficient work environment. However, optimising your system is just one part of the equation. In the upcoming sections, we'll explore specific tips for business users and how to leverage Windows 11 for remote work.

Windows 11 Business-Specific Tips and Remote Work

The advent of Windows 11 has introduced a wave of features that businesses can leverage for increased productivity and efficiency. But beyond the basics and system optimisation, there are specific strategies that businesses can adopt to truly harness the power of this advanced operating system. Furthermore, with remote work becoming increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand how to leverage Windows 11 to facilitate effective remote operations.

Leveraging Microsoft Teams Integration

One of the standout features of Windows 11 is the direct Microsoft Teams integration into the taskbar. This provides easy access to the communication tool, allowing businesses to maintain seamless communication and collaboration among team members.

Businesses should take advantage of this feature by encouraging team members to use Teams for all internal communication. With features like chat, video webinars like Zoom, and file sharing, Teams can serve as a centralised platform for collaboration, reducing the need for multiple communication tools and streamlining workflow.

Using Snap Layouts and Snap Groups for Multitasking

Multitasking is a daily necessity in business operations, and Windows 11 makes it easier than ever with Snap Layouts and Snap Groups. These features allow users to organise multiple windows and applications on their screen effectively, making task switching seamless.

Encourage your team members to use these features to manage their workspaces. By efficiently organising their screens, they can increase productivity and reduce the time spent switching between tasks.

Maximising Direct Access for Remote Work

Windows 11 introduces Direct Access, a feature that provides secure remote access to your company's network without going through a VPN. This can significantly facilitate remote work and enhance security.

If your business operates remotely or has a hybrid work model, leveraging Direct Access can be a game-changer. Ensure that your IT department sets up Direct Access for all remote employees to make accessing company resources more straightforward and secure.

Embracing the Power of the Cloud

Windows 11 is designed to work seamlessly with Microsoft's cloud services, including OneDrive and Azure. These services offer many benefits for businesses, including data backup, easy file sharing, and scalable computing resources.

By embracing the cloud, businesses can enhance their operations and make their workflows more efficient. Encourage your team members to use OneDrive for storing and sharing files and consider leveraging Azure for your computing needs.

Ensuring Regular Updates

Keeping your system updated is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. Regular updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements that can significantly enhance your system's efficiency.

Ensure that all your systems are set up to automatically install updates. This keeps your systems running smoothly and ensures that you have the latest security patches, protecting your business from potential cyber threats.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can maximise the benefits of Windows 11 and create an efficient, productive work environment. Whether operating in-office, remotely, or in a hybrid model, Windows 11 has the tools and features to support your business needs.


Windows 11 is more than an operating system upgrade - it's a tool for business transformation. It presents an exciting opportunity for businesses to elevate their operations and prepare for the next generation of computing. By understanding its features and leveraging them effectively, businesses can optimise workflows and foster a more productive and secure work environment.

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