Product Video Production: 5 Top Tips

Last Updated: 

April 12, 2023

Promotional videos are ubiquitous today across websites, social media pages and email newsletters. Customers are far more likely to engage with promotional videos than other forms of content because they offer a more engaging experience.

According to a report by Oberlo on how video is perceived by consumers: “73% of consumers claim that they have been influenced by a brand’s social media presence when making a purchasing decision.”

That means video.

The best way to create a great video is to work with a video production company that has experience in producing marketing videos. However, if you create a plan to reach your target audience, you can easily film a product video yourself.

These 5 tips will get you started.

Online Business Startup

First, Determine What Style Of Video To Create

Each style offers a different experience for your audience. The style choices should match your brand, product, and target audience. For example, if you’re selling high-end jewellery, an interview with the designer may be more appropriate than a product demonstration video or creative narrative.

Use interviews or stories instead of just showing off the product itself. Context is key to why your viewers would use it or who might benefit from using it.

Know your audience.

Who are you trying to sell to?

Pick A Video Type That Suits Your Subject Matter.

Decide what type of video you want to make: explanatory or narrative.

Here are three types of videos you can choose from:

  • Live action filming: Shows your product in action and demonstrates its features.
  • A screen recording: Useful to show off how something works or what it looks like.

Whiteboard: Simple and easy to understand, but not visually appealing.

Write A Video Script Focused On Your Audience

The script is an essential part of the entire production process. If you’ve never written a script, Hubspot offers an easy template to follow, take a look.

Quick tips to write an effective script for your videos.

  • In your introduction, set the context by describing the challenges faced by your target audience.
  • Bring forward the solutions that solve those challenges from the use of your product.
  • The tone you take should match your brand’s voice and the emotion you want to convey.
  • Don’t be afraid to talk up your product benefits.
  • It also adds credibility to explain who it’s for and not for.

Interest in your product comes from showing how it can solve problems. Get this right in the script, and the product video will connect with your viewers.

Invest Time In How Your Product Is Filmed And Presented

Video production companies know how to create the right atmosphere and light so that your product looks amazing. If shooting your own video, try to replicate this lighting and presentation style as closely as possible.

Maintain the goals that apply for any product video:

  1. Your video intends to show off your product in action.
  2. The video will help potential customers feel more confident about making a purchase.

The basic equipment needed:

  1. DSLR camera or phone camera,
  2. Tripod,
  3. Memory card,
  4. Lens filters,
  5. Cleaning kit,
  6. Video editing software.

With the script at the ready, follow these video production tips:

  • Spend time thinking about where you will film and how that location reflects your product.
  • Take care with the camera settings. Don’t forget to set the white balance and shutter speed. Make sure they’re high enough to avoid blurry shots!
  • To add depth to your product shots, backlight it.
  • If you’re filming outside on a bright day, consider shooting in the shade. The softer light will create a much cleaner look than harsh sunlight would.
  • Turntables are great for rotating shots of your product during demos. No turntable? No camera slider? Not to worry, a simple technique for getting “dolly” shots is to move the tripod back and forth on just two of its legs.
  • When editing, be selective about shots chosen. Include close-ups of your product. Focus on how an engaging demonstration makes it so great.
  • Focus on your product, not you. 

End With A Soft Sell CTA

No need to feel pushy now that you’ve connected with your audience as your video approaches the finish line. Your video has accomplished the relationship building work. For example, a soft-sell approach for food is a satisfied customer i.e. someone in your video enjoyed the food as opposed to hard selling chatter about it.

Summing Up

  • Have a clear style and message.
  • Choose a type of video that feels the best way to convey the message.
  • Write a script that focuses on the audience and how they benefit from using your product.
  • Take the time to shoot for quality in your video so that the angles, lighting and edits are consistent and professional.
  • End with a soft-sell call to action, no need to be pushy.

With clear messaging, a strong CTA and a good balance between style and budget, you can create a product video that customers and potential clients alike will share!

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