Seven Tips To Save Money In Your Business For The Next Five Years

Last Updated: 

December 13, 2023

Businesses can always benefit from cutting expenditures and saving money where possible. Whether you’re a new business or you’ve existed already for a number of years, being able to save money and spend it in a way that benefits your business further, is beneficial.

There are plenty of areas for saving as a business, so if it’s something your company is struggling with currently, then here are several tips to get you started.

a cute piggy bank
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Key Takeaways on Saving Money in Your Business

  1. Comprehensive Spending Review: Regularly review your company's spending habits across departments, identifying areas for potential savings and evaluating the effectiveness of expenditures.
  2. Smart Spending Strategies: Explore cost-effective alternatives, such as buying used equipment like CT scanners or opting for refurbished office essentials like printers, without compromising functionality.
  3. Embrace Remote Working: Offer remote work options to reduce building running costs, minimise overhead expenses, and create a flexible work environment that can enhance employee satisfaction.
  4. Outsourcing Efficiency: Consider outsourcing needs instead of hiring in-house to tap into a broader talent pool at a fraction of the cost, saving on salaries, benefits, and other internal expenses.
  5. Trim Unnecessary Expenses: Identify and eliminate non-essential expenditures, from unnecessary subscriptions to decorative elements, freeing up resources for more impactful investments.
  6. Leverage Automation and Machine Learning: Embrace technology, including automation and machine learning, to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and save both time and money in the long run.
  7. Strategic Online Marketing: Focus on online platforms for marketing and advertising to optimise costs, utilising the affordability and reach of digital channels like social media and search engine advertising.
  8. Employee Retention for Cost Savings: Invest in employee well-being and satisfaction to retain talent, reducing turnover costs associated with recruitment and training. Happy employees contribute to a stable and efficient work environment.

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1. Review your spending habits in its entirety as a company

Firstly, it’s good to take an overview of the company’s spending habits currently. Where is the money being spent? Are there certain areas or times of year that cause the business to spend more?

Reviewing your spending habits is the first step to saving money because just like budgeting, it’s good to know exactly what damage is being done to the business. It’s easy to spend money and for it to be justified as an investment into your company’s growth. However, it’s important to be wary of spending and to review it regularly.

If it’s not something that you do regularly or have done in a while, then it’s time to review your spending habits in its entirety and across the company. Liaise with company managers and departmental heads to get a wider picture.

You might also want to look at ways in which you can spend your money better. For example, if you’re in the business of buying medical equipment, used CT scanners are just as effective as new machines. The same goes for general equipment, such as printers and scanners, etc.

2. Offer remote working to cut building running costs

If you’ve not already considered doing so, why not offer remote working to help cut down on your building running costs?

Remote working fast became a popular form of working due to the pandemic. However, it’s since stuck around, even despite many companies going back to the original way of working. Others have combined work into a hybrid environment of working in the office and working from home.

With remote working, you’ve got the benefit of being able to free up desk space and keep certain equipment off throughout the day or week. Not only that but the fewer people in the office, the lower the overhead costs will be within the workplace itself. 

Consider putting this in place to help reduce costs and improve employee happiness.

3. Outsource your needs rather than hiring staff in-house

Outsourcing is a decision that many businesses make when needing to save money but also limit the strain on internal resources. Financially, hiring staff in-house might not be viable, especially if your business is newly starting out.

team meeting about outsourcing to save money
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With that being said, consider the benefits of outsourcing and whether that’s something that your business needs. 

Sometimes, there’s a wider pool of talent available with outsourcing and that talent is available at a fraction of the cost that it would if you hired them internally.

4. Consider getting rid of stuff your business doesn’t need

There’s going to be stuff that the business spends money on and that you ultimately don’t need. For example, that flower subscription that makes your workplace reception look nice isn’t going to be the clincher that gets client projects over the line or deals done within the business.

Just like cutting unnecessary expenditures by reviewing your outgoings, look at what is in the workplace and is simply not needed. Work with your building operations team and use this opportunity to have them walk around the workplace, looking for the equipment or features that are costing the business money.

5. Use automation and machine learning technology

Technology has advanced greatly over the years and as a business, it’s a valuable asset that’s worth spending money and time on. It’s also a good way of saving money for the company. Through recent technologies like automation and machine learning in general, are a great way to help streamline operation processes.

If you’ve not explored automation or machine learning technology in general, then now is the time to get educated. You might want to bring in some IT experts if you don’t have the experience and need some guidance on what to pick.

Thankfully, you’ve got a lot of platforms out there and services that already have automation features in place that are easily accessible.

6.Utilise the online domain for marketing and advertising services

The world of marketing and advertising is something that needs to be done strategically in order to help save money.

Often enough, marketing and advertising are a case of trial and error to see what works. It’s also influenced by the data you have available too, and how rich that data might be in telling you what works - and what doesn’t.

To save money, try to spend your time and money on marketing/advertising through the internet predominantly. While marketing and advertising offline is still very much popular, it’s a lot more affordable to focus your attention on the online domain. 

From social media platforms individually to Google and other search engine advertising, there’s a lot of opportunity that comes with these parts of the internet.

7. Look after your team to save on hiring costs

In order to save yourself money, it’s important to look after your team and workforce in general. You want to hold onto all your talent, instead of losing them to other companies.

Not only is it beneficial to hold onto your talent but the alternative is to lose them and have to spend a fortune on rehires over time. The more you turnover your staff, the more you’re spending as a company. 

Instead, make sure to invest in your team and look after them instead of having to face the reality that you need to hire more staff to replace the ones you’ve lost. Work with your staff to create a happier workforce in general.

Hopefully, these seven tips will get you started when it comes to saving money for your business this year and beyond.

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