Skills Gap Analysis Template: How To Bridge Employee Skill Gaps

Last Updated: 

September 10, 2024

In this day and age, technological changes are increasing the need for new skills. When companies struggle to keep pace with these changes, a widening skills gap often happens. And that can hamper productivity and weaken overall performance.

Even the most talented employees may find it challenging to fulfil their job responsibilities effectively when they lack essential skills. That said, addressing skills gaps has become crucial for organisations aiming to maintain their long-term success.

Read on as this article explores how to conduct a skills gap analysis to assess your employees' competencies.

Key Takeaways on Employee Skills Gap Analysis

  1. Importance of Skills Gap Analysis: Conducting a skills gap analysis helps identify the specific skills your workforce lacks and allows you to address them through targeted strategies.
  2. Continuous Process: Skills gap analysis should be reviewed periodically, as the business world is constantly changing, necessitating ongoing adaptation to new demands.
  3. Stakeholder Involvement: Involving HR managers, department heads, and employees in the analysis ensures a comprehensive understanding of your team’s skill set.
  4. Strategic Planning: Identifying skill gaps aids in strategic planning, helping companies make informed decisions about hiring and training to stay competitive.
  5. Prioritising Critical Gaps: Focus on closing the most critical skill gaps first to ensure your team can meet key objectives efficiently.
  6. Use of Templates: Ready-made skills gap analysis templates, such as those provided by TalentLMS, streamline the analysis process and ensure thoroughness.
  7. Future-Proofing: Regularly conducting skills gap analyses prepares your company for future industry changes and positions it for long-term success.
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What Is Skills Gap Analysis?

Skills gap analysis is a systematic approach to determining the specific skills that your workforce lacks. It basically examines the critical skills needed to achieve business goals and compares them with the current skills of your employees.

To streamline this process, using a professionally designed skills gap analysis template is highly recommended—details of which will be outlined in subsequent sections. Once these gaps are identified, you can better develop targeted strategies to address them, resulting in a more productive workforce.

However, note that skills gap analysis isn’t a done-and-dusted procedure. The business world is very dynamic, with many changes every dawn of the day; this means the skills must be reviewed regularly. This periodic review lets your company stay ahead of the changes and adapt quickly to new demands. 

For the best results, key people should be involved in the analysis. This usually includes HR managers, department heads, and the employees themselves. Each group offers valuable perspectives, helping you get a clearer picture of your team’s skill set.

Why Conduct a Skills Gap Analysis?

A 2023 Future of Jobs Report reveals that 44% of workers’ skills would be disrupted in the following five years, compared to 35% between 2016 and 2021. Thus, a skills gap analysis can help you and your company stay ahead by identifying the skills employees are lacking.

A skills gap analysis helps identify specific areas for growth, so you can create targeted training programs to help them upskill. The company then benefits through improved performance, while the employees are more satisfied and get a boost in morale. This not only addresses immediate skill deficiencies but also fosters long-term employee retention and organisational success.

Another significant advantage of a skills gap analysis is its role in strategic planning. Knowing the abilities your team members lack lets you plan knowledgeably on how to hire and train new employees. You can then make informed decisions to remain agile and adapt to emerging trends without compromising business operations.

How To Conduct a Skills Gap Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide

A comprehensive skills gap analysis involves several crucial steps, such as:

Design a Skills Gap Analysis Template

Creating a skills gap analysis is more straightforward with a ready-made template. These templates usually have sections for listing key skills, assessing current abilities, pinpointing gaps, and deciding which areas to focus on.

You can certainly make your own template, but using a professionally designed one, like the free TalentLMS template, can be really helpful. Experts have crafted these templates to cover all the important details, making your analysis more thorough and reliable.

Identify Core Skills Needed for Success

Once you have a template, identify the core skills your company needs. For example, a tech company might need skills in programming languages and cybersecurity.

Don’t forget to consider broader skills too. For instance, in a 2023 study, more than 70% of the companies surveyed mentioned creative thinking as the skill most expected to rise in importance between 2023 and 2027. Others include analytical thinking (71.6%), technological literacy (67.7%), curiosity and lifelong learning (66.8%) and AI and big data (59.9%).

Assess Current Employee Skills

After identifying the core skills, the next step is to evaluate your employees' current competencies. You can do this through performance reviews or employee assessments.

Compare Current Skills with Required Skills

Next, compare your employees’ current skill levels to the required skills for each role. This way, you can tell what skills they lack. These are the critical gaps that need attention. 

Prioritise Skill Gaps Based on Organisational Needs

Not all skill gaps are urgent. Some may require more immediate attention, while others may wait. So, focus on closing the most critical gaps first to ensure your team can meet key objectives without delay.

employees taking a skills assessment

Wrapping Up

Addressing skill gaps is key for businesses that want to stay competitive. By regularly conducting a skills gap analysis and following the steps we've discussed, you can spot current weaknesses and even predict future skill needs. A skills gap analysis template helps you stay ahead of the curve, so your company can quickly adapt to industry changes and be ready for whatever comes next.

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