3 Easy Ways To Advance Your Business Website

Last Updated: 

October 4, 2023

If you have a basic website for your business, you may think that this is good enough. But are you really on top of the latest technological advances, and do you have the best and most up-to-date website that you could have? If you’re going to compete with other businesses in your field, you need to know your website-related-stuff, and it’s not as hard as you think. So we’ve broken it down into three simple tips, to help you get the best business website possible, and get your profits up. Everyone's a winner.

Key Takeaways on Advancing Your Business Website:

  • Add Your Social Media Links: Incorporate links to your business's social media profiles on your website. This not only showcases your online presence but also encourages visitors to follow and engage with you on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. If you don't have social media accounts for your business yet, consider creating them to increase visibility and customer engagement.
  • Sort Out an Ecommerce Platform: Enable online purchasing on your website. Today's consumers often prefer the convenience of online shopping. By integrating an ecommerce platform, you can cater to these preferences, potentially increasing sales. There are various platforms available, suitable for businesses of all sizes, so research and choose one that aligns with your needs.
  • Create a Contact Form: Enhance customer interaction by adding a straightforward contact form to your website. Instead of just listing contact details in a corner, a prominent and easy-to-use contact form can lead to increased inquiries and feedback. This direct line of communication can improve customer experience and foster trust.

By implementing these three strategies, businesses can significantly enhance their website's functionality, user experience, and overall effectiveness. These changes can be made without extensive effort but can yield substantial benefits in terms of customer engagement and sales.

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Add your social media links

If you have social media accounts for your business, adding them to your website is a quick and easy way of getting your customers to follow you. You can do this easily on sites such as WordPress, and it will make those visiting your site think that you’re super tech-savvy. If you haven’t got any social media accounts for your company, then spending some time making them is a good idea. People use a variety of platforms, and the more places they see your business, the more likely they are to remember it. So get Facebook-ing and Instagram-ing, too.

Sort out an ecommerce platform

You may be advertising your products online, but if your customers can actually purchase them through your website, then they’ll be more likely to buy them. In the modern world, it is simply easier to order things online, and your customers may not have time to visit your actual store. There are a lot of ecommerce platforms out there for all kinds of businesses - whether you’re a big or small company - and you can customise it to any design you’d like to use. If you haven’t already sorted this, check out an ecommerce platform guide.

While focusing on the aesthetics and functionality of your website, it's equally important to ensure secure and efficient payment methods for your customers. Integrating a reliable debit card network can enhance the user experience, making transactions smoother and more trustworthy.

If you're in the fashion industry, ensuring seamless delivery and order management is crucial. Consider integrating fashion fulfilment for your brand to enhance the customer experience and streamline your operations.

Sort out an ecommerce platform
Image credit

Create a contact form

So you may have sorted out your online presence, but another step you can take is creating a simple contact form for your website. If you only leave your contact details in a small box at the bottom of your site, don’t expect all of your potential customers to have the patience to try and find them. Creating an easy-to-find form that comes straight to the company inbox is a much better idea, and you’ll get a lot more interaction from your customers. There are many ways that you can do this, and you’ll find guidance for each type of website online, so don’t be intimidated!

So there we have it, three ways to advance your business website that won’t take you a long time to sort out, but will have you reaping the benefits in no time. So add your social media links (and create the accounts if you’re not already at that point), and create an ecommerce platform so that your customers can purchase your product online. Lastly, create a contact form so that you can get all enquiries directly to your inbox, without causing any confusion for your customers. Good luck in creating the best business website!

[image credits Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels]

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