7 Tips for Hiring the Best

Last Updated: 

February 27, 2023

Online Business Startup

As a business owner, you need to ensure that your business is the most successful in your industry. One of the ways to do this is to be tactical in your hiring strategies when it comes to employing new people. The problem is that right now this is a talent type market, and the candidate pool is now shallower than ever before. While this is great for candidates and people who are looking for security and their jobs, it’s not so good for employers if you have a range of jobs available but nobody to fill them. 

That’s the only problem with growth – if you can’t account for the people that you need, you’re going to struggle. You need to be able to hire the very best people for your business and while you can use personality testing and in-depth testing such as a Firo-B Assessment, you need to think about exactly what else you could be doing to ensure that your candidates are on board as fast as possible. Let’s take a look at seven tips for hiring the best

Be Tactical When Hiring People
Image source: Pexels

Get through your screening as quickly as possible

You can guarantee that for every candidate out there there are three offers from employers trying to give them a job. When you reach out when you offer a job to your candidates, they’ve already been poached and picked by other people. You have to get through your screening processes as quickly as possible, which can include calling for references before the interview process. There is plenty of software out there that offers higher rentals for grown businesses and if you run the right management software during the recruiting process you can complete the screening phase faster and hire better. Psychometric tests can help you to evaluate and compare their abilities as employees and that can be done online.

Gather information as much as possible

During the hiring process you have to take the right steps to acquire the right information about each candidate. You can do this with online assessments and software to help, and you can also do this with behavioral and in-depth cognitive testing.

Be consistent in your interviewing

All hiring managers will have a unique interviewing style, which means the applicants won’t get the same experience. When all interviews are done in a consistent way, every kind of person steps out of the room with the same level of motivation and excitement which is exactly what you want for them. Compiling data and conducting interviews in a timely manner as in having them all done in one day will help. Moreover, whenever interviewing someone, you need to have the right interview questions. For example, let’s say you want to hire a backend developer, some interview questions for a backend developer would look like the following:

  • What kind of tech skills do backend developers need to have?
  • What soft skills does a backend developer need to have?
  • Tell us more about your favourite programming language
  • Which is your least favourite programming language?
  • What kind of experiences do you have as a backend developer? 

Build an employer brand that counts

There are thousands of passive candidates out there who are looking for work but haven’t jumped off the ledge to find it. You have to implement as many practical procedures as possible to identify these people because they are usually looking for opportunities instead of a long term employment. This is where your employer brand comes in. These are supposed to hide the best candidates who are willing to perform by ensuring that your company website, your social media, and everything about your business online is current and updated. Your policy should be easy to find and candidates should feel like they can approach it.

Create a compelling job description

Unless you use a recruitment consultant, you need to do this yourself. You’ll be able to find the best candidates when you have a hook, and the hook is going to be your job description. When they click on it they need to see all the benefits of working for your business and what you can offer them – because remember, candidates have choices! Focus on your company and then focus on what you can offer and make sure you leave this out as well as salary information. Do not admit salary information from your job description because all that’s going to do is waste everybody’s time when you receive multiple phone calls for salary that you cannot meet. Put down your expectations and put down the length of the process and you’ll be able to encourage better candidate to apply

Find candidates on social media

If you want to hire dedicated employees, you need to use a department that focuses on digital marketing. Your social media is exactly that. If you use your social media correctly you should be able to create conversation and encourage people to apply for work with you.

Hire fast

In many markets the best employees are hired within a week. You need to offer an interview and have a quick turnaround on the job that you are hiring for so that people don’t feel like they’re being made to wait.

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