Art Therapy for Trauma: Here's How It Works

Last Updated: 

May 10, 2023

Working through a distressing event, or a trauma, is heart-wrenchingly difficult. And if you’re living alone, it might be even trickier for you to open up about what you are dealing with.

However, there’s a way that can be helpful for you in this aspect.


With it, you may literally express what you feel or are going through on a paper. This, in turn, might also help you clear up your mind and get rid of the cloud of depression.

Nonetheless, there’s no need to be a seasoned artist to undergo art therapy. Literally anyone of any age can perform this without feeling too nonchalant about it.

Art therapy is all about digging a little deeper into your creative persona that you couldn’t tap into before. And here’s how you can do it. 

Key Takeaways on How Art Therapy Works:

  • What is Art Therapy: Art therapy is a therapeutic method that combines talk therapy and creative expression, aimed at addressing emotional or psychological issues.
  • Creative Outlets: Art therapy can include drawing, dancing, painting, or music, and does not require artistic talent from participants.
  • Benefits of Art Therapy: Emotional resilience, improved sensory-motor and cognitive functions, development of self-awareness and self-esteem, better social skills, and resolution of distress and conflicts are among the benefits.
  • Emotional Outlet: Art therapy can provide an outlet for emotions that may be difficult to express verbally, helping individuals process and release pent-up emotions constructively.
  • Self-Understanding: Engaging in the creative process can lead to insights into one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, resulting in a better understanding of oneself.
  • Stress Reduction: Art therapy can be calming and meditative, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, and alleviate feelings of loneliness.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Art therapy offers a nonverbal way to communicate thoughts and feelings, especially for those who struggle with verbal communication.
  • Confidence Boost: Creating something through art therapy can boost confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Cognitive Function: Art therapy can improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
  • Trauma Healing: For individuals who have experienced trauma, art therapy can provide a safe environment for processing difficult emotions and experiences.
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Art Therapy - What is It, Really?

Art therapy, in essence, is a therapeutic method that combines talk therapy with a creative and emotional expression. It will be facilitated by a credentialed professional who’s well-versed in the subject of mental health. This approach generally focuses on addressing your emotional or psychological self through the usage of a creative outlet, like -

  • Drawing 
  • Dancing
  • Painting, or 
  • Music

Art therapists can work with people of all ages without any issue. According to the American Art Therapy Association, the benefits of this procedure can include the following -

  • Emotional resilience 
  • Improved sensory-motor and cognitive functions
  • Development of self-awareness and self-esteem
  • Better social skills
  • Resolution and reduction of distress and conflicts

Being talented in creative art isn’t really necessary for getting anything out of art therapy. The aim here isn’t going to be all about creating an aesthetically-pleasing artwork. 

Rather, it’s all about expressing your heart out and telling your story with some sort of image or movement. The guidance of the therapist will be able to help you out in that aspect.

How Does It Benefit You?

Art therapy, if used correctly, can benefit you in more than one aspect. And, each of these will be quite unique in accordance to how you want to progress. 

Here’s what you need to know about them.

  • Making art can provide an outlet for emotions that may be difficult to express verbally. It can also help individuals process and release pent-up emotions constructively.
  • Through the creative process, individuals can gain insights into their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It can lead to a better understanding of oneself. 
  • Making artistic ventures can be quite a calming and meditative process that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. So, the feeling of being alone might reduce a little too.
  • Art can provide a nonverbal way to communicate thoughts and feelings, which can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with verbal communication.
  • Creating something can be a confidence-boosting experience, and the act of creating something can provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Art therapy can improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and skills to solve your problems. So, you’ll be able to handle yourself much better than usual.
  • Art therapy can be an effective tool for individuals who have experienced trauma, as it can provide a safe environment for processing difficult emotions and experiences.


Getting out of the view of a traumatic experience can be difficult, especially with how you are coping with it. If you are staying alone, it will be important for you to seek medical help soon. If you are living with your family, then let them know about how you feel. 

That way, it will be easier for you to express yourself accordingly and take care of yourself. In addition, as we’ve said, trauma therapy through art can also work out for you.

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