Do The Work - Sandra Addae

Last Updated: 

January 11, 2023

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Sandra is an Executive and Transformational Coach who works with broadcasters that want to grow, retain and upskill talent. She is best known as ‘Da Millennial Coach’ and is the host of her own podcast THE CORE.

What we will be discussing today

  • The value of a focused mindset
  • Benefits of business coaching
  • What is Personal Development?
  • Adaptability in the modern world
  • When you start to feel you start to heal
  • You need to tell money what to do
  • What are the best coaching tools?

Listen to the Full Episode

Robin Waite · #85 - Do The Work - Sandra Addae

Do the Work

The Fearless Business podcast welcomes Sandra Addae, an Executive and Transformational Coach who works with broadcasters who want to grow, retain and upskill talent. She chats with Robin all about coaching, mindset, development and the importance of doing the work.

Having a focused mindset in coaching

Having a focused mindset matters for both a coach and coachee. When you are a coach, a focused mindset is about understanding what coaching means and how to get your client from A to D. You need to know your craft, learn the relevant tools and methodologies, as well as getting your client to shift from fight to flight.

If you are the coachee, a focused mindset is about being ready to be coached and being open to coaching. You can’t be focused if you are unsure where you lack confidence or who is going to coach you. These areas form the foundations of a successful coaching relationship.

Having trust and integrity in the relationship is also linked to a focused mindset.

As a coach, if you feel like a relationship is not working, then you have the right to have confidence and integrity to say if a coachee is not the right client for you. You can’t facilitate change if someone is unwilling to give you their full genuine self.

Likewise, as a coachee, it is ok to be vulnerable. In business coaching, for example, personal life can impact professional development and it is important to be open about any personal circumstances so you can work through them with your coach.

What makes a good coach?

The number of coaches has dramatically increased in recent years, however the industry is not regulated. It is hard to work out who is going to be a good coach or not, and who has the experience and training under their belt.

So what makes a good coach?

Sandra describes how confidence is important, as well as continually learning about different techniques and bringing those into your practice. When you are searching for a coach, you are essentially looking for a life-changing experience, but if sometimes this can be a damaging experience if you work with the wrong coach or someone who is not working with your best interests at heart. Coaching is about the transformation and having the skill set and background training is vital for you being recommended as a coach and as someone who can help sustain change.

The Work by Byron Katie

Being a coach, it is your responsibility to develop your skills and be aware of new techniques and practices in the industry. Sandra highly rates The Work by Byron Katie, which focuses on mindset and the importance of being aware of any negative thoughts and feelings and always doing the work to question those thoughts, and in turn, give them less power over us. Drawing from other frameworks and approaches and connecting them to your own coaching broadens your perspective and creates an even stronger foundation to create that transformation journey for your client.

One of the biggest takeaways Sandra took from The Work is how to forgive yourself. So often, you have parts of yourself that you will not let breathe because you feel ashamed of that side of you, but actually it is ok to be vulnerable. Your ego is often the very thing holding you back because you feel embarrassed about something. By being vulnerable and developing trust with your coach, this is giving you the chance to move. You have a chance to work out what your limiting beliefs are and view what your life could be like if those beliefs weren’t there.

“Once you feel, you start to heal.” - Sandra Addae

Adaptability in the modern world

What with the complex world of offline and online life, plus a pandemic and everything else going on, how do you take time to work on yourself to begin with when everything feels so busy?

Sandra describes how we have stopped making choices for ourselves. We feel like we have to do everything and be part of everything for fear of missing out, or ‘FOMO’.You have experts on a particular platform or aspect of life telling you you need to do something their way and information is coming at you so fast and from so many different angles.

“We've got to start controlling our environment, rather than letting the environment control our thoughts.”, says Sandra. Taking a digital detox is a great way to switch off and bring back our ability to choose. You don’t need to be the in rate race 24/7. It is ok to switch off and choose where you put your focus.

Listen to the full podcast episode to hear even more of Sandra Addae’s powerful words and advice.


Check out Da Millennial Coaches Podcast

How to Get Hold of Sandra


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