How Safety Solutions can Protect High-Risk Lone Workers

Last Updated: 

April 24, 2024

There are certain jobs that come with a heightened level of risk that demands extra caution and attention. From construction sites to chemical plants, numerous occupations expose workers to potential hazards on a daily basis. 

Firefighters, miners, and industrial workers are just a few examples of individuals who navigate dangerous environments as part of their profession. These roles involve exposure to physical, chemical, and biological risks that underscore the need for stringent safety measures.

Protective and safety gear
Photo by Pixabay

Key Takeaways on Safety for High Risk Workers

  1. Common Concerns of High-Risk Employees: Lone workers in hazardous roles face challenges such as the fear of accidents, injuries, long-term health implications, and job-related stress. Being truly alone in remote locations heightens concerns about accessing emergency services.
  2. Employer Challenges in Hazardous Jobs: Employers in high-risk occupations struggle with balancing productivity and safety, ensuring compliance with safety regulations, providing adequate training, and overcoming financial constraints associated with implementing safety measures.
  3. Best Practices in Workforce Safety and PPE: Proven best practices include thorough training programs, regular safety drills, and the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Digital PPE emerges as a reliable and advanced approach, incorporating technology to enhance communication and safety.
  4. Digital PPE Overview: Digital PPE utilises advanced technology to track and recognise events, environmental data, and the location of lone workers in high-risk fields. It acts proactively to prevent accidents and reactively to request swift assistance in case of incidents.
  5. WorkerSafety Pro App by Becklar: Becklar's WorkerSafety Pro App, a component of Digital PPE, provides a comprehensive solution for protecting lone workers. Features include scheduled check-ins and a panic button for instant alerts to emergency contacts, ensuring a safer work environment.
  6. Benefits of Digital PPE for Lone Workers: Real-time communication between workers and employers eliminates gaps in information. The inclusion of sensors and monitoring in Digital PPE provides real-time data on the worker's environment and health conditions, enabling swift response and intervention.
  7. Go Beyond Industry Standards with Digital PPE: Companies embracing Digital PPE alongside best practices in workforce safety create a culture of safety that not only protects lives but also enhances productivity and overall job satisfaction in high-risk occupations.
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The Common Concerns of High-Risk Employees

Lone workers in hazardous roles often grapple with a range of concerns that impact their physical and mental well-being. 

For example, the fear of accidents, injuries, and long-term health implications weighs heavily on their minds. Additionally, job-related stress, uncertainty, and the constant need for vigilance contribute to a challenging work environment. Working in such environments are often unpredictable and come with new challenges daily.

Being a lone worker only adds to the stress of high-risk jobs. Lone workers truly work alone, often in remote locations, where it can be difficult to access emergency services. Thus, the concern of accidents and injuries is heightened.

Employer Challenges in Hazardous Jobs

Employers face a myriad of challenges in maintaining a safe workplace for their employees engaged in high-risk occupations. 

Balancing productivity with safety, ensuring compliance with safety regulations, and investing in adequate training programs are just a few hurdles that employers must overcome. Employers are responsible for the well-being and safety of their employees. Trying to keep their workers safe can be an incredibly challenging task that requires a lot of extra work.

For example, the financial burden of implementing safety measures can also pose a challenge—especially for small businesses. And having company-wide safety training might not be the easiest thing either if most of their employees are lone workers on the field. 

Although workplace safety is a responsibility that can be challenging, employers must make it a priority.

Best Practices in Workforce Safety and PPE

Despite the inherent risks, there are proven best practices that can significantly enhance workforce safety for lone workers. 

Adequate training and education programs equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to mitigate risks effectively. Also, regular safety drills and simulations help reinforce preparedness and response mechanisms. 

One major practice that is typically enforced in hazardous environments is Personal Protection Equipment—or PPE. This includes items like helmets, gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection.

Even though PPE plays a pivotal role in shielding workers from potential dangers, there is a new, much more reliable approach to workplace safety known as Digital PPE.

What is Digital PPE?

Digital PPE is on the up and coming, leveraging advanced technology to make communication between lone workers and employers easier, and can be used proactively and reactively. 

By tracking and recognizing events, environmental data, and the location of employees operating in high-risk or isolated fields, Digital PPE is designed to uphold safety. Its proactive capabilities extend to preventing potential accidents or injuries. Moreover, in the event of an incident, it serves as a swift means to request assistance - thereby reacting to an event such as a fall or a digital call for help.

Ditital protective equipment
Photo by cottonbro studio

What Makes Digital PPE Different?

Unlike traditional PPE, which only physically protects a lone worker, Digital PPE maximises safety. 

Becklar, a leading provider of Digital PPE, really takes lone worker safety to a whole new level. How? You may ask. With their advanced applications, devices, and services that work seamlessly together, the result is a safety solution unparalleled to standard PPE. The most commonly used component of Becklar’s Workforce Safety Digital PPE solution is the WorkerSafety Pro Application. 

Becklar’s WorkerSafety Pro App

Becklar’s WorkerSafety Pro app offers a comprehensive solution for protecting lone workers who work alone—at great heights or in potentially hazardous environments. 

The WorkerSafety Pro App is specially designed and intended for individuals, and teams, of all sizes. The goal of this app is to facilitate a safer and more productive workplace for everyone. In the app, there are many built-in innovative features to make safety and access to emergency services easier. 

For example, a focal feature of the app is scheduled check-ins. This is especially good for employers, so they can have a greater sense of their employees well-being and know where they are at all times. Another feature of the app is a panic button that will alert emergency contacts anytime help is needed. This is helpful and really gives peace of mind to lone workers in high-risk jobs. It’s wonderful to know that help is only a click away.

These key safety features of Becklar’s WorkerSafety App provide a much better protection option than traditional PPE.

The Benefits of Digital PPE for Lone Workers

No Communication Gap Between Workers and Employers

Having Digital PPE makes it easier than ever to communicate.

Oftentimes there is a gap between lone workers and their employers. With traditional PPE, managers and supervisors had no idea the status of their lone workers on the field. They don’t know if their workers are truly safe with only hard hats or safety vests. However, with Digital PPE, workers can now directly let their managers know their current status, and if help is needed.

Real-Time Assistance

Digital PPE is equipped with sensors and monitoring that provide real-time data on the lone worker’s environment and health conditions. Employers can receive instant alerts if a worker is exposed to hazardous conditions or has an emergency, enabling swift response and intervention.

Additionally, employers can use GPS or other location technology in Digital PPE to track the location of workers in real-time. This can be crucial for emergency response and ensuring that workers are in safe zones.

A lone worker using his proective equipment
Photo by Nejc Soklič

Go Beyond Industry Standards with Digital PPE

Navigating hazardous jobs requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the concerns of both employees and employers. 

Companies that choose to implement and emphasise best practices in workforce safety, while providing Digital PPE, can create a culture of safety that not only safeguards lives but also enhances productivity and overall job satisfaction. Going forward, the commitment to creating safer work environments remains extremely important, ensuring that those in high-risk occupations can perform their duties with confidence and peace of mind. If you do end up getting injured on the job you can always consult the help of a injury at work lawyer

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