How To Keep Your Business Secure On A Budget

Last Updated: 

August 14, 2023

Running a business can be an expensive thing to do, and as a business owner, you’ll always be looking for ways to save money. It might be tempting not to pay for any security measures, and just hope that all will be well, but that’s not the most sensible approach; after all, if something went wrong in this regard, you could have to pay large fines, you might lose business, and you might even have to close. Is it really worth it? 

The truth is that you’re always going to have to have some security elements in place, but there are ways to do it even if you’re on a budget, so you have the best of both worlds. With that in mind, keep reading for some more information. 

Key Takeaways on Keeping Your Business Secure On a Budget

  1. FWAAS for Budget-Friendly Security: Utilising Firewall as a Service (FWAAS) allows businesses to bolster their cybersecurity without hefty upfront costs. This pay-as-you-go solution offers robust protection against cyber threats.
  2. Employee Education Matters: Educating your team about cybersecurity best practices is an invaluable investment. With proper training, employees become a crucial line of defense against potential breaches and attacks.
  3. Stay Up to Date: Regularly updating software and systems is a fundamental step in safeguarding your business. Timely updates patch known vulnerabilities, minimising the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals.
  4. Password Policies and MFA: Enforcing strong password policies and implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) add layers of protection. These practices deter unauthorised access and enhance overall security.
  5. Backup and Recovery: Affordable cloud-based backup solutions ensure business continuity in case of data loss or breaches. Having a reliable backup system is essential for quick recovery.
  6. Affordable Security Software: Researching and selecting cost-effective security software is essential. Even on a budget, businesses can find reliable solutions to defend against malware and viruses.
  7. Physical Security Measures: Don't neglect physical security. Implementing measures such as secure entry systems and surveillance cameras safeguards both digital and physical assets.
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Use Firewall As A Service

Firewalls are the first line of defence against any cybercriminals or hackers - anyone unauthorised trying to get into your computer network, for example - but the issue is that as crucial as they are, not all businesses have them in place because they can be expensive to buy and then to maintain. 

However, if you use firewall as a service, also known as FWAAS, it can be a fantastic budget-friendly way to make sure you keep your business as safe as possible. FWAAS gives you all the benefits of using a firewall without having to pay anything upfront - you just pay as you go, depending on your needs. When it comes to security on a budget, FWAAS solves a lot of problems. 

Educate Your Team

Sometimes it’s human error that causes the most problems when it comes to the security of your business, so it’s important to ensure your team is completely aware of what they should (and shouldn’t) be doing when it comes to security in general. 

The best way to do this is with training, and that training doesn’t have to cost much, and, if you’re willing to do it yourself (provided you have all the right information), it can even be free, except for the time it takes to do it. 

Teach your team about how to stay safe online, why they shouldn’t click on strange links, why attachments can be dangerous, and why their passwords need to be changed regularly, for example. When it comes to physical security, make sure they know the protocol of locking up and setting the alarm. The more you can help them, the more help they’ll be to the business. 

Keep Everything Updated

What do you do when a program or piece of equipment pops up to tell you it needs to be updated? Do you immediately spring into action, or do you ignore the request and just carry on with what you were doing? 

The best thing to do is something in between these two things. Most of the time, the reason we ignore these updates is that we’re busy actually using the piece of equipment or program at the time, and we don’t have the time to stop for an update, which can take many minutes or even hours. Therefore, make a note of what needs to be updated when you’re told about it, and start the process when you no longer need to use the program. In that way, you’re protecting your business and not paying anything for it. 

The more up-to-date your software is, the less chance there is of a cybercriminal being able to hack into it, so it really is one of the best options when it comes to staying safe. 

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