Insider Tips: Resume Sections That Company Recruiters Prioritise During Screening

Last Updated: 

July 4, 2024

Looking for a job nowadays is like finding a needle in a haystack. There’s just no guarantee, no matter how many applications you send. Competition is becoming tougher by the day, so it’s important to level up your resume. 

You'll only be able to stand out if what’s written in your resume is outstanding, adding to it when you highlight the sections that recruiters always look at when profiling potential employees. Be informed with insider tips in this article. 

Key Takeaways on Resume Writing Strategies

  1. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description: Customising your resume for each job application by incorporating relevant keywords, skills, and experiences can significantly increase your chances of catching a recruiter's attention.
  2. Ensure Accurate Contact Information: Double-check that your phone number, email address, and any other contact details are correct and up-to-date to ensure recruiters can easily reach you.
  3. Craft a Compelling Professional Summary: A well-written professional summary or career objective can serve as a powerful introduction, highlighting your qualifications and career goals to make a strong first impression.
  4. Highlight Key Qualifications or Core Competencies: Use bullet points to showcase your most relevant skills and achievements, quantifying your accomplishments whenever possible to add credibility to your claims.
  5. Detail Your Work Experience Effectively: Recruiters place great emphasis on your work experience, so describe your responsibilities and achievements using concise and descriptive language, prioritising information relevant to the job you're applying for.
  6. Include Education and Training: Highlight your highest level of education and any relevant certifications or training programs to demonstrate your foundational knowledge and commitment to continuous learning.
  7. Provide Quantifiable Achievements: Including metrics like revenue generated or cost savings in your work experience section can provide concrete evidence of your impact and set you apart from other candidates.
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Tailoring Your Resume to the Job Description 

One of the most effective strategies for capturing a recruiter's attention is to tailor your resume to the specific job description. Carefully review the job requirements and integrate relevant keywords, skills, and experiences throughout your resume. This demonstrates your understanding of the role and your ability to meet the company's needs.  

Customising your resume for each job application may require more effort, but it significantly increases your chances of resonating with the recruiter and being considered a strong candidate. Opting for professional resume writing services to help you can be advantageous, especially if you plan to apply to many job openings. 

Contact Information Section 

While it may seem like a no-brainer, ensuring your contact information is accurate and up to date is essential. Recruiters need to be able to reach you, so double-check your phone number, email address, and any other relevant contact details. Additionally, consider including a professional-looking headshot and a link to your online portfolio or LinkedIn profile, if applicable. 

Professional Summary or Career Objective  

This section serves as a powerful introduction, allowing you to encapsulate your qualifications, achievements, and career goals in a concise yet compelling manner. Recruiters often scan this section to gauge your suitability for the role and your potential to contribute to the company's success.  

Crafting a well-written summary and attention-grabbing objective can make a lasting impression and entice the recruiter to examine your resume more closely. 

Key Qualifications or Core Competencies 

This section is a prime real estate for highlighting your most relevant skills, certifications, and areas of expertise. Use bullet points to make it easy for recruiters to quickly identify your strengths and how they align with the job requirements. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to add credibility and weight to your claims.  

Strategically selecting and presenting your qualifications can demonstrate your value proposition and increase your chances of being considered for the role. 

Work Experience 

For most recruiters, your work experience is arguably the most crucial section of your resume. They scrutinise this section to evaluate your track record, responsibilities, and accomplishments in previous roles. Use concise yet descriptive language to outline your duties and achievements. Also, prioritise information that directly relates to the position you're applying for. 

Education and Training  

While the emphasis placed on this section varies depending on the industry and role, it's generally a good idea to include your highest level of education, along with any relevant certifications or training programs. Recruiters often use this information to gauge your foundational knowledge and continuous learning efforts.  

By highlighting your academic credentials and commitment to professional development, you showcase your dedication to staying current and acquiring new skills. 

The Importance of Quantifiable Achievements 

One surefire way to catch a recruiter's attention is by including quantifiable achievements within your work experience section. Metrics such as revenue generated, cost savings, productivity improvements, or any other measurable outcomes paint a clearer picture of your potential impact on the company's bottom line.  

Providing concrete evidence of your success and contributions through numerical data can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your ability to drive tangible results. 

Additional Sections to Consider  

Depending on your industry and experience level, you may want to include additional resume sections such as:

Publications or Presentations.

For academic or research-oriented roles, showcasing your published works or speaking engagements can be valuable.

Technical Skills.

If your role requires specific software or programming languages, a dedicated section for your technical skills can be beneficial.

Volunteer Work or Community Involvement.

Highlighting your commitment to causes or organisations outside of work can demonstrate your well-roundedness and values.

Awards and Accolades.

Don't be shy about showcasing your achievements and recognition, as they can set you apart from other candidates. 

Use clear section headings, consistent formatting, and ample white space to make your resume sections easy to scan. Additionally, consider using bullet points and concise language to convey information quickly and effectively. 


Crafting an effective resume is an art form that requires strategic thinking and attention to detail. By prioritising the sections that matter most to recruiters and tailoring your content accordingly, you increase your chances of standing out from the competition and securing that coveted interview opportunity. 

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