The Challenges of Being a Man in Today's World

Last Updated: 

March 15, 2023

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Craig White gained his first coaching certification at the age of just 16. Now 51 he has been coaching professionally for over 28 years.

Long history coaching and consulting in pro rugby (Tigers/Wasps/Ireland/Wales/British Lions)

Background in sports coaching, leadership, culture building, yoga, meditation, and men's work

Creator of Men Without Masks.

What will be discussed on today’s show: 

  • Challenges of Being a Man in today's world
  • How MWM can help men to move through those challenges
  • Business as a sacred practice
  • The changing world of male leadership 

What is Craig Working on Right Now:

Craig and his amazing team run retreats for men throughout the year; you can download Craig’s free e-book, Secrets of a Man Without His Mask

How to get hold of Craig: 

Websites: and 

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Men have always been expected to be strong, stoic, and self-reliant. Men are supposed to be able to solve their problems without ever asking for help. But men live in the 21st century now—a world where they're expected to be more open and honest than ever before. This can make it difficult for some men to feel comfortable expressing themselves or getting help when they need it. Fortunately, there are ways you can get over these hurdles and become your best self, both as a man and as a partner or parent.

Many of us have experienced the challenges of being a man.

These expectations are especially true for those who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, when men were expected to be providers, protectors, and leaders--and they were often rewarded for it with praise from their families and communities. As a result of these pressures (and others), many men today feel like their feelings are not valid or important enough to talk about--even though talking about them can help us feel better emotionally and physically as well as make our relationships stronger!

What are the common problems of man?

Men face many challenges today. For one thing, men are often afraid to show weakness or vulnerability. This can make it difficult for them to open up about their emotions and get help when they need it. Men are also expected to be strong and stoic--even if they're struggling with anxiety or depression--and may feel ashamed if they admit that something's wrong with them.

Finally, the role of breadwinner has always been an important part of being a man in Western culture: men provide for their families financially by working hard at their jobs so that their wives don't have to work outside the home (or so goes conventional wisdom).

What are the challenges faced by men today?

There are a number of challenges that men face in today's world.

Men are less likely to get help when they need it, so it is important for everyone to understand how we can improve the way we treat and support men who may be struggling with mental health issues. Men are also less likely than women to discuss their problems or seek support from others, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness - two things that can contribute significantly toward mental health problems.

Men also experience higher rates of violence than women do - both domestic abuse at home and sexual assault on the street - so if you're a man who has been affected by any form of violence (or know someone else who has), please don't hesitate in contacting us here at [your organization]! We offer free counselling services for anyone who needs them; just call us at [phone number] during business hours Monday through Friday between 9am-5pm PST."

What is the role of a man in today's society?

In today's society, men are expected to be strong, independent and the breadwinner of their family. They are also supposed to protect their loved ones from harm and provide for them financially. Men are often seen as leaders in their families because they make decisions that affect everyone else in the family. A man's strength can come from many places: physical strength (e.g., lifting heavy objects), mental strength (e.g., being able to think quickly on one's feet), emotional strength (e.g., dealing with grief) or spiritual strength (e.g., having faith).

However, sometimes these expectations can become too much for men who aren't sure how they fit into this picture anymore--or if they even want to try at all! Many men feel overwhelmed by these pressures placed upon them by society; some even feel like failures because they don't live up to what society expects them too.

Men don't feel as though they can open up about their emotions

Men aren't supposed to be vulnerable or emotional. They're expected to be strong and tough, stoic and in control. They're meant to be independent and self-reliant, not dependent on others for help or support. Men are not supposed to cry; if a man does cry then he'll likely get made fun of by his friends or peers because he was "weak" enough that something made him cry (and if something did make him cry then it's implied that there really wasn't anything worth crying about).

In today's society where the stigma against men showing emotion still exists despite being less prominent than it used to be (due largely in part because of campaigns such as "It's ok To Talk"), many men find themselves struggling with their emotions because they've been taught from an early age that expressing yourself openly is bad and makes you less masculine instead of more feminine--which isn't necessarily true!

Men are afraid to show weakness or vulnerability

Why? Because they are afraid of being perceived as weak, which can mean being judged by others and/or themselves. Men have been taught since childhood that they should "man up" and not show their emotions--especially if those emotions involve fear or sadness. The problem with this is that it leaves men feeling isolated, lonely, depressed and anxious--which only further increases their feelings of weakness or vulnerability because they feel like no one understands what they're going through (and this is especially true if the man has experienced trauma in his life).

The masculine ideal is unattainable for most men

There are many expectations that society places on men. To be a man, you must be strong, stoic, and unemotional. You must be the breadwinner who provides for his family by earning money through hard work. You must lead your family as their provider and protector--and you must do so all on your own if necessary! And finally, you should never show weakness or vulnerability; rather than expressing emotions openly (like crying), men are expected to bury their feelings deep inside themselves where no one can see them--even if those feelings hurt so much that they make it difficult for us to function day-to-day without breaking down completely from stress overload!

Most men don't want to talk about their problems because it's not considered masculine

As a man, you are expected to be strong and stoic. You're expected to be the provider, protector and leader of your family. You're supposed to take care of all problems that arise in your life and solve them on your own--even if they are feelings or emotions. This may sound like an impossible task but it's one that many men feel they need to live up too if they want any respect from those around them.

Men face significant challenges today, but there are ways to overcome them

The challenges men face today have led to many negative consequences, including an increased rate of suicide and mental illness. However, there are ways to overcome these problems.

Men need to be more open about their emotions and aware of their mental health; this will help them support each other in a way that wasn't possible before. Men also need to be honest with themselves and others about what they're going through so that everyone can help them get better instead of hiding behind the stigma surrounding masculinity.


Men are facing significant challenges today, but there are ways to overcome them. We can start by talking about our experiences and opening up about our emotions. By doing this, we'll be able to have better relationships with ourselves and others in our lives.

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