Top Tips For Building Your Own Offices

Last Updated: 

July 26, 2023

Most businesses begin their life in the founder’s home. From there, they usually move into a small corner of a larger office complex. After that comes the move to their own branded offices. And after that? The next step is to build their offices, one that’s fully in line with their vision and which brings long-term security. If you’re at this step, then congratulations. Alas, this is the most challenging of all the steps. It’s not easy building any structure, let alone one that will have such a big impact on your business's success. In this post, we’ll look at some essential tips that’ll ensure your ambitious project runs as smoothly as possible. 

Key Takeaways on Building Your Own Office

  1. Location Matters: Choose the right location for your offices, considering accessibility, proximity to other areas, and potential for future expansion.
  2. Long-Term Vision: Plan your office space with long-term growth in mind, ensuring it can accommodate future employee and operational needs.
  3. Essential Infrastructure: Ensure essential factors like utilities, internet access, and waterproofing are addressed by reliable contractors to support your business operations.
  4. Seamless Transition: Gradually transition to your new offices to minimise disruptions and maintain a smooth customer experience during the move.
  5. Functional and Productive Design: Prioritise functionality and efficiency in your office design to optimise productivity and create a comfortable workspace for your employees.
  6. Employee Experience Matters: Consider the needs and comfort of your employees when designing the workspace, fostering collaboration, creativity, and employee satisfaction.
  7. Budget and Construction Management: Stay within budget and effectively manage the construction process to avoid delays and unexpected costs, ensuring a successful office build project.
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Find the Right Space

First up: finding the right location for your offices. This will depend on various factors, including how close you need to be to other areas. It’s unlikely that you’ll build your offices in a major city since it’s nearly always best to rent in those types of locations. You’ll be looking to build slightly out of town. How far out of town will depend on the type of business you operate. If you’re fully location-independent, then you can look at rural areas, where land is much cheaper. Keep in mind that you and your employees will need to commute to the office, however, so accessibility is key. 

Think Long Term

You’re building your offices for today. But you’re also building them for much further down the line, too. When it comes to planning your office, it’s important to think long-term. If you’re planning to add many more employees in the coming years or to scale up your manufacturing output, then you’ll need a space that can accommodate that growth. Having a clear idea of the long-term projections for your business will help you to come up with the right size.

Essential Factors

You might have grand visions of all the awesome work you’ll do in your new offices. But remember that, in order for that to be possible, you’ll need to have all the essentials that’ll allow you to work at your highest level. By and large, this will be the responsibility of the companies you hire to do the work, so it’s important to check that they can tick every box. For instance, if you’re moving to a more rural area, then waterproofing coating will be key since you’ll be more likely to deal with heavy rainfall. You’ll also need to think about water and other utility connections, as well as things like internet access. 

Additionally, don't overlook the importance of window treatments in your new office. The right blinds or shades can help control light, improve energy efficiency, and even reduce noise, creating a more comfortable work environment. For a wide array of commercial window treatments, check out window treatments where you can find a variety of options tailored to meet your specific needs.

Move Slowly

Finally, remember that there should be no rush to move into your new offices. You’ll get there eventually! If you move too quickly, then you run the risk of disturbing your operations too much, and that can lead to a poorer customer experience. Instead, look at gradually transitioning to your new space. There may be a few days when you can’t work at your highest level, but that should be it - there should be some overlap between your existing and new offices.

Design for Productivity

When you're designing the layout of your new office, keep productivity at the forefront of your mind. Different employees have different work styles. While some might prefer a traditional desk setup, others might prefer a more casual setting with soft furnishings and standing desks. Consider creating a mix of open spaces for collaboration and private spaces for focused work. You may also want to think about including communal areas where employees can relax and socialise.

Budget Wisely

Building your own office is an expensive venture, and it's important to budget wisely. Remember, the cheapest option is not always the best. Investing in high-quality materials and skilled contractors now can save you a lot of money in the long run. Don't forget to factor in the cost of things like office furniture, tech equipment, and security systems. And always keep a buffer in your budget for unexpected expenses.

Go Green

Consider integrating sustainable practices into your office design. This could involve installing solar panels, using energy-efficient appliances, or choosing sustainable building materials. Not only will this help to reduce your company's carbon footprint, but it can also save you money in the long run and enhance your brand image.

Hire the Right Team

Whether you're hiring architects, builders, or interior designers, it's important to choose a team that understands your vision and has the skills to bring it to life. Take the time to review portfolios, ask for references, and conduct interviews before making your decision. Remember, this is a long-term investment, and you want to ensure you're entrusting it to the right people.

Ensure Compliance

Finally, remember that there are building regulations and codes that you need to adhere to. These regulations can be complex, and non-compliance can result in hefty fines and delays. It's a good idea to hire a professional who is familiar with these regulations to help you navigate them. This could be your architect, or you could hire a separate consultant.

Remember, building your own office is a huge undertaking, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be a rewarding venture that sets your company up for long-term success.

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