Best Ways Hospitals Can Improve Patient Care

Last Updated: 

September 30, 2024

People think of hospitals in Tampa usually picture long hallways, a neonatal ICU, and patients in gowns.

While this image may have been accurate years ago, things have changed quite a bit in the last decade.

Today's hospitals are looking to improve their patient care to make patients happier and healthier while saving money on expensive healthcare costs.

Key Takeaways on Improving Patient Care in Hospitals:

  • Trained Staff: Prioritise extensive training and continuous education for staff members. Medical errors often result from insufficient training, so hospitals must keep their staff updated on new techniques and best practices. Moreover, happy and well-trained staff lead to improved patient satisfaction.
  • Proper Hygiene: Emphasising and adhering to high hygiene standards is pivotal. Following the cleanliness guidelines set by the CDC can prevent disease spread. Hospitals must also ensure that hand-washing policies are strictly observed. Opting for professional laundry services, like in Tampa, ensures clean linens and reduces infection risks.
  • Best-in-Industry Equipment & Newer Technologies: Investing in the latest medical devices and technologies not only enhances patient care but also ensures patient safety. For instance, air-pressure monitors can prevent falls in vulnerable patients. Wi-Fi networks across hospitals can facilitate better communication and information sharing about patient health statuses.

By focusing on these areas, hospitals can significantly improve patient care and set themselves apart in the healthcare industry.

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Below Are Some Ways That Hospitals Can Improve Patient Care:

Trained Staff

The most critical thing hospitals can do for their patients is to train the staff. A recent study by the University of Chicago found that over half of all medical errors are made by hospital staff.

The study's authors suggest that this may be because of a lack of training and education on performing procedures correctly. This is a problem that can be easily fixed with better training.

Hospitals should also try to keep their staff well trained if they need to perform a procedure again. A simple way would be to hold regular educational seminars where doctors and nurses could learn new techniques or best practices.

In addition to these educational efforts, efficient revenue cycle management services can also play a vital role in ensuring hospital operations are streamlined. By focusing on the financial aspects of care, these services help hospitals allocate resources wisely, further enhancing patient satisfaction.

If hospitals want their patients to be happy, they should ensure that the people who care for them are also happy. This will help improve patient satisfaction and increase loyalty among existing patients.

Proper Hygiene

Proper hygienic practices are the best way for hospitals to improve patient care. By following appropriate hygiene standards, doctors can help prevent the spread of disease and infection, making patients sicker and requiring more medical attention.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all healthcare facilities have cleanliness guidelines. These should be followed by staff members and patients alike, especially those who may be sick or recovering from an illness.

The CDC also recommends that healthcare facilities have a hand-washing policy that includes soap and water and rinsing with clean water after using the bathroom or changing diapers. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria and other pathogens that can cause serious illness in patients.

Hiring a laundry service Tampa is vital for a hospital to deliver the best patient care. This is because it helps the hospital keep its linen and bedding clean and fresh. Dirty linen or bedding can lead to infections, which can be deadly for patients.

Best-in-Industry Equipment & Newer Technologies

Hospitals have invested billions of dollars in new technology and equipment in the last decade. These investments include:

 Medical devices: Newer medical devices can help patients with various conditions. They can also help improve patient care by providing more information about patients' conditions and treatments. For example, pacemakers can monitor cardiac activity and deliver electrical impulses.

Hospitals are also investing in technology that improves patient safety, such as air-pressure monitors that alert staff when patients' blood pressure drops too low or falls too fast. These monitors are especially useful for patients who are elderly or have other health conditions that may make them more susceptible to falls and other injuries.

Endoscope storage, maintenance, and tracking systems have recently experienced considerable technological improvements. The latest scope drying cabinets continuously push HEPA filtered air into internal endoscope channels to remove micro-particles and ensure thorough drying. They can be connected to the hospital’s cloud to remotely monitor scope locations, storage time, channel availability, drying, and length of time before a scope expires. They can also be configured with security and automation, using automatic locking system and barcode scanning processes to upgrade security and streamline the endoscope check-in and check-out process. These technologies are a boon for hospitals, offering significant improvement in their hygiene, scheduling, and maintenance

In addition to new equipment, many hospitals are installing Wi-Fi networks throughout their facilities so that they can communicate with one another more easily. This allows them to share information about a patient's health status with each other and with doctors in their area who might need to consult with them during a visit to an out-of-town hospital.

In The End…

Hopefully, this article will help you understand what hospitals are doing to improve patient care and redirect your priorities. If you're looking for a solution to make your medical facility stand out, look no further than these three areas.

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