How Do You Hire The Right People?

Last Updated: 

November 1, 2023

When you are looking at trying to hire some people into your business, there are a lot of things that you will need to think about in order to make sure that you are doing it right. The truth is that this is one of those things that you absolutely have to focus on if you are going to make sure that you are keeping your business in line. Let’s look now at what you can do to ensure that you are hiring the right people for your positions every time.

Key Takeaways on Hiring the Right People

  1. Be Rigorous: To ensure successful hires, implement a rigorous interview process that thoroughly evaluates candidates' qualifications and fit for the role.
  2. Avoid Bias: Eliminate unconscious bias in the recruitment process to ensure fairness and attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates.
  3. Reach Out Internally First: Prioritise internal referrals and consider existing employees for new roles to leverage known reliability and loyalty.
  4. Utilise HR Recruitment Software: Leverage specialised software to streamline the hiring process, identify top candidates, and avoid bias in decision-making.
  5. Highlight Challenging Aspects: During interviews, openly discuss the challenging aspects of the role to assess candidates' problem-solving skills and suitability.
  6. Assess Loyalty & Reliability: Look for candidates who exhibit loyalty and reliability to ensure long-term commitment and dedication to the company.
  7. Emphasise Honesty: Foster an environment of honesty and transparency in the interview process, encouraging open communication with potential hires.
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Be Rigorous

When it comes particularly to the interview process, you need to make sure that you are being as rigorous as possible. This is the kind of thing that is really going to make a hugely positive difference to how you approach your hire, and you will find that you are going to have a much better approach to your hiring if you are doing this. The interview process is the most important part of hiring, so this is definitely something you should be focused on from the start, and which will result in the best hires for your company every time.

Hiring the Right People
Image Source - CCO License

Avoid Bias

Although it is much easier said than done, you do need to try and avoid any bias in your recruitment process. This is important because you will often find that you are not actually hiring the best people if you have unconscious bias going on - as well as obviously being unfair on the candidates. So you need to ensure you are finding a way to avoid bias as best as you can, such as using HR recruitment software which is specifically designed to help you with this. That is going to be much better for everyone involved.

Reach Out Internally First

It’s wise to make sure that you are reaching out to the people you already know first and foremost, before looking further afield and trying to get help from outside. That’s because you can already vouch for the reliability and loyalty of those people, which are two of the hardest things to gauge in people you don’t know that well. This is very often going to mean that you end up with a hire that you are happy with, so it’s something that you should try to bear in mind as best as you can. However, if you can't find help from within your trusted circle, that's when you may need to seek assistance from outside sources. In such cases, consider exploring Gravitas Recruitment, a trusted partner in the recruitment industry.

A female in glasses doing a job interview
Image Source - CCO License

Be Honest In Interview Yourself

Finally, there is something to be said for making sure that you as the employer are honest in the interview too, just as you would expect them to be. In particular, you should be sure to talk about the more challenging parts of the role that people have found, because that way you will be able to invite people in to the team who already have a good sense of that, and if they can provide answers to those challenges, then you know that you have someone who is going to serve you and the role well. That proves hugely important.

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