How To Attract Customers To Your Business With Your Company’s Car

Last Updated: 

July 17, 2023

Are you trying to promote your brand-new business? If so, you may have started online, getting all of your company's SEO and online marketing up to speed. This may mean that you have overlooked some of the real-world marketing options that, in 2023, go far beyond a billboard or leaflets.

If you have a company car, for example, it can be worth kitting it out to be a rolling advertisement for your business, which will allow you to get from A to B while also advertising along the way.

So, what are some of the best tips to pull this off?

Key Takeaways on Attracting Customers With Company Cars

  1. Personalised Number Plate: Grab attention with a customised or location-specific number plate that aligns with your business.
  2. Thoughtful Paint Job: Ensure your company car's paint job complements your logo and allows it to stand out clearly.
  3. Prominent Symbols and Logos: Display your business symbols, logos, and slogans on the car in colours that catch attention and create brand recognition.
  4. Bold Phone Numbers: Print your business phone number on the car with large stickers in a bold font and noticeable colours for easy visibility.
  5. Showcase Website and Social Media: Utilise the doors or windshield of your car to display your company website and social media handles, making it easy for potential customers to find and engage with your online presence.
  6. QR Code Integration: Consider attaching a QR code to the back of your car, allowing people to quickly scan and access your website without manually entering the URL.
  7. Mobile Marketing: Leverage your company car as a mobile advertising tool, reaching potential customers on the go and maximising your brand's visibility in the real world.
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The Number Plate

A car number plate is a great way to pull attention to your business, especially if it is a personalised plate. Prefix number plates can work, too, as they can showcase where your business is located and can be colour-coded to match the rest of the vehicle.

Paint Job

If you have opted to make red the colour that your company is linked to, then it seems to make sense to have a red car. However, this is not always the best option, as odd as that may sound.

Indeed, if your company logo is red, then how is it going to show itself on your company car? Of course, you should make sure that your company's car has a fresh and professional-looking paint job, but make sure that it helps to showcase any logos or symbols that you may have on the car, too.

Symbols On The Car  

Does your business have a logo? Or, have you put a lot of effort into getting a company symbol or slogan made? If the answer is yes, then you will need to have these placed on your company car and, if possible, make sure that the colours of the symbols or the logo stand out. For instance, if your company car is grey, then a pale blue logo is not going to draw attention. Before having the symbols, logos, and slogans placed on your car, you may want to have your car painted a different colour!

Phone Numbers

If you have a small business, you will obviously need to have your business phone number printed onto business cards, as well as stick it onto a section of your website where it is noticeable and easy to see.

So, aim to have your company's phone number printed with large stickers and ensure that the font and the colours are bold enough to be spotted from long distances.

Showcase Your Website

The doors of your company car or your windshield are the perfect place to showcase your company website, as well as the address of your social media accounts. Remember, when it comes to attracting customers or marketing, the majority of people will see a company's name and then enter it onto their smartphone to try and find the associated website.

So, by having your company's social media page address and website displayed on the back or the side of your car, you can allow people to find your page quickly and easily. It can also be worth having a QR code made to attach to the back of your car, so potential customers won't need to your website address into a search engine.

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