How To Get Visitors To Your Business Blog

Last Updated: 

March 17, 2023

Online Business Startup

When you run a business, having a blog is essential. It’s the best way to engage visitors when they come to your site. It can offer them information and insights, and it’s an ideal way to utilise the most effective SEO techniques. 

Yet in order for any of this to take effect, you need to have people visit your blog in the first place. Read on to find out how to ensure this happens.

Write About Topics People Are Searching For

When you think of the topics you want to write about for your blog, it’s tempting to just go with what interests you the most, or perhaps what you think people want to know about. However, this may actually be a wasted opportunity because if you’re not writing about the things that people are actually searching for in relation to your sector or niche, they aren’t going to easily find you. 

Do some keyword and key phrase research to determine what it is people are interested in and the information they need to know more about. Once you have this information, you can formulate blog posts around those topics. In this way, people will not only be more easily able to find you because you’ll be higher up in the search engine results, but they’ll also click through to your blog and stay there for longer. Plus, because you’re giving them useful information, they’ll keep coming back, and they’ll be more likely to buy from you. 

Write Good Titles 

The title of your blog post is just as important as the content itself, so take your time deciding on what to call it. It’s the title that is going to persuade people to keep reading or even click through to your blog from the search engine results in the first place. 

When it comes to your title, you’ll need to include the keywords or phrases that people are searching for, but you’ll also need to make it interesting. Think about how you can make the title mean the same thing but say it in a different way so you can stand out from other people’s blogs covering the same topics. 

Include Photos 

Studies have shown that blog posts with pictures get more people to read them. Not only does adding a photo make the post look better, but you can also add keywords to the Alt Image tag on the photo to improve your site's SEO (search engine optimisation). Remember that you can't just take any picture from Google because you could be breaking the law. However, there are many free sites you can use instead, or you could even take your own photos if you prefer. 

Make Your Site Secure 

You can write a wonderful blog, but if your site is not secure, people aren’t going to be happy to visit it. They might get a warning or notice that there is a problem. This is clearly an issue, but it would also be terrible if people did come to your blog and they clicked a bad link or had their information stolen by hackers. 

This is why it’s a good idea to have your website – and your entire business – taken care of by experts in managed cybersecurity. In this way, your visitors will feel safer, and your important documents will be protected too.

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