How To Make Onboarding Less Stressful For Your New Hires

Last Updated: 

March 22, 2023

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Every person you hire needs to provide great value to your business. Still, finding the talent is only half the battle – onboarding it smoothly and successfully can present a fresh set of challenges.

Firms utilising hybrid work schemes have faced a need to readjust recently. While they acknowledge the benefits of virtual onboarding procedures, even the digital world can't take many shortcuts here. Every process has to run smoothly.

It's not all just about the business either. New hires must feel welcomed and set up well for continued success.

What can you do to make onboarding less stressful for your new hires? Read on for some tips that should help them hit the ground running.

Use a Reliable LMS

A Learning Management System (LMS) has many useful advantages for new starters and can bring them up to speed exquisitely. It's also focused on their development, making this a great place to begin your efforts. 

Training is a big part of onboarding staff. If you use an LMS like the one iHASCO provides, you can be more attuned to what your new starters are up to. Browse many metrics about their progress and monitor their development with acute insights. The LMS can also automate their training schedules, so if they have a lot to do in their first few days and weeks, gentle reminders can be provided to ensure they don't lose track of their training.

Moreover, LMS systems also reduce admin rigmarole by a good deal. All the data you and the new starter need is secure on the LMS, so there isn't any paperwork to organise, store, and dig up. The interface is straightforward to use, and all courses are multilingual with closed captions, so people from all backgrounds can confidently engage and find their learning materials easier to comprehend.

Pair New Starters

It's not easy being a new person in any context. Anything you can do to establish common ground is recommended.

While some business bosses might assign a mentor (which can be helpful), partnerships between fellow new starters can create a better sense of unity and belonging. New starters can help each other find their feet, swap stories about their experiences, and generally bond over their shared position. 

Even if your new starter is the only one at the time, you could still pair them with a colleague who was the last person to be hired before them. After all, there are some reports of workers still feeling new job anxiety after a full year of being on the payroll. Being paired up can also help the more experienced new starters feel more confident about their position, as they might take on more of a mentor role.

Arrange a Detailed Orientation

Try not to sit your new starters down and get them straight to work. Help them build familiarity with the business first.

That's what orientations are for. You can discuss the following:

  • The history of your company.
  • Tips for getting around the premises quickly and safely.
  • Advice around maintaining well-being.
  • Your company's values and eco-friendly policies.

Not everything discussed during orientation should be overly formal or pertain to individual roles. Build the character of your business, as that will build comfort for new hires. 

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