What Does Sales Confidence Look Like?

Last Updated: 

October 20, 2022

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Lacking confidence when conducting sales calls? Do you struggle to close deals with prospective clients?

This episode is the solution for you! In this week's solo episode of the Fearless Business Podcast, host Robin Waite shares his secret behind boosting sales confidence and outlines what it takes to swiftly close deals with potential clients.

What we will be discussing today

  • How to Increase Confidence When Selling
  • Sales Techniques
  • Mindset

Listen to the Full Episode

In this episode of The Fearless Business Podcast, host Robin Waite provides advice on successfully conducting and closing sales calls. Within this episode, he shares his top seven tips to help listeners become more confident whilst selling.

1. Don’t View Introductory Calls as “Sales Conversations”

Instead, use it as an indicator to decide whether your prospective client is the best fit for your business or not. This will help decrease the risk of ramifications further down the line and simultaneously take the pressure off both parties. Within this call, be sure to look out for any red flags and ensure there is a planned outcome, e.g. getting your client to sign up to a resource.

2. Learn to Be Fully Present

When selling, many entrepreneurs tend to rush through their pitches and talk at their prospective clients, leaving little time for the prospect to digest the information being thrown at them. Instead, learn to slow down.

Doing this will also allow you to notice how your prospective client is reacting and let you see if there are any red flags or hang-ups early on.

Red Flags: The main red flags to look out for when conducting your sales calls are lack of eye contact - although this is hard for some to do via video call, hesitations/excuses, continuous interruptions, and poor attitude.

3. Assume a Position of Leadership Throughout the Conversation

As a coach, consultant or freelancer, you are there to provide a service to someone a lot of the time. Unfortunately, for many business owners, this means that they subconsciously take on the role of servant, and their client takes on the role of master. Now, to put it bluntly:

“Would you tell your surgeon how to perform open-heart surgery?”

Or would you just leave them to it ….

Unless you are a surgeon, of course, you will allow them to do the job as they are the expert in that field. So why not adopt the same mentality when running your business?

The bottom line is don’t let your client dictate; make sure you are the leader in the conversation and that you aren’t being led. Don’t compromise; communicate that it’s your way or the highway. If they can’t handle that, they aren’t suitable for business coaching.

4. Challenge Your Prospect’s Core Beliefs

Within your conversation, you should present your prospect with a new way of thinking within You; this serves as another red flag. To ensure a successful relationship between client and coach, the client must be open-minded and willing to learn.

Remember, it is entirely natural for your prospective clients to go into “fight, flight or freeze mode” when they’re trying to process new information. This is why it’s important to pause and give your prospective client a chance to mull things over rather than bombarding them with more information.

If they are sceptical, be sure to have evidence to hand. This can be done through the likes of case studies, reviews and testimonials.

5. How to Handle Objections

This is where the intention shifts from building rapport with your prospective clients to closing sales. To handle objections successfully, make sure you:

  • Do not justify your prices - you fall into the realm of bargaining, which takes away from your leadership and dominance: no making excuses = no need to feel deflated if someone asks for justification.
  • Keep your answers brief - digression creates room for error.
  • Pause - allow them to talk themselves into working with you. Everyone hates uncomfortable silences.

Here are a few examples of good responses to common objections that implement the tips above:

“Oh Gosh, That’s Expensive!”

- Yes, it is / I know.

The worst thing to do is justify your prices here; if you sell a premium product, be confident that it’s a premium product.

“Why Should I Invest in You?”

  • What do you mean?

This response is direct enough to make your prospective client think about the question, and elaborate which gets to the heart of the matter.

“How is this going to benefit my business?

  • The proof is in the pudding. I’ve helped over 250+ businesses double their income with a 98% success rate. If you don’t like your results, you can always get your money back.

Be sure to have results, facts and statistics to hand to help boost your prospects faith in you and help them visualise what you can do for their business.

6. Closing The Deal

To successfully close the conversation, make sure that you have outlined up to five clear next steps for your prospective clients to follow once the call is over. With this, it is essential that you follow up within an hour after the call to make sure they are still clear with what they need to do next.

You also need to make sure that your clients reach a hard or soft close. To find out what that is, check out this article here.

7. The Importance of Role Play

As a wise man once said, practice makes perfect!

Never go into a sales call cold or think you can just wing it. The best way to get good at sales calls is by practising. To practice effectively, ask a friend, colleague or family member to conduct a role-play with and make sure they include any potential objections that one of your clients may have. Through doing this, you won’t be caught off guard during the real thing.

Bonus Tip: Another good way to get better at sales calls is to record your conversations and watch them back. That way, you can look at yourself objectively and pick up on things you might have missed in the heat of the moment.

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>> https://fearless.biz

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